
Let’s pray to ST. JUDE, for his help, for the safety of all LAW ENFORCEMENT, EVERYONE IN our Armed Forces, keep them all safe as they work, risking their lives to protect ourselves. Let’s pray for the safety of all First Responders, fighting fires, helping people in the major floods, blizzards, earthquakes.
St. Jude give their families, loved ones Faith, Hope, Love, Trust in JESUS. HIS HOLY MOTHER AND OURS. PROTECT all our Churches, Places of worship from all disrespect, destruction, harm of any kind. St. Rita hear our prayers and help us with our difficult cases as well. Sacred Heart of Jesus hear our prayers, help us. For without you we are nothing. St. Joseph, help keep our families safe, as you kept The Holy Family safe. Holy Spirit strengthen us with your presence. Let’s Pray for all souls in purgatory, that God the Almighty cleanse their Souls, lifting them up to heaven.