T. A

Thank You St. Jude for all answered prayers. Please bring Peace and Healing of mind, body, soul and spirit to myself and each and every member in my family. Please bring Peace and Healing to my friends, relations, neighbours, and the entire world. Lord have Mercy and look down upon with your loving Mercy and Compassion on all the people of this world. Please bring a favourable outcome to those who don’t want to take the vaccine. This Body is the temple where the Holy Spirit dwells. Please stop the evil politicians, the government, media and the elite from creating fear and mental agony to innocent humans. How can these evil people use force and jeopardize the lives and livelihood of innocent people. It is not right. Please intercede on behalf of the innocent people loving and merciful St. Jude. You turn the impossible to possible. Luke 18:27 What is impossible to man is Possible with God. Please intervene St. Jude and protect my brother and our while family from this evil vaccine and the evil system. Let Thy Will Be Done O’Lord, but I hope for a favourable outcome. I surrender this situation to you completely with trust, faith and hope. AMEN!