Provide Hope for Haiti

On August 14th a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck schools and homes across Haiti's southern peninsula. The images here are from Marceline de Camperrin, a communal village on the southwest side of the island where the Claretians have been called to serve. Buildings have all suffered damage – collapsed walls, rooms that cannot be used. Local Claretians have been in touch with the Marceline community to offer assistance and support, but more help is needed.

Help Rebuild from the Rubble

Two Claretian Seminarians and a priest from Jérémie, also on the southwest side of the island, lost their homes and belongings during the earthquake. Although their level of fear and anxiety is considerable, the mutual support of the Claretian community has helped them to maintain their faith and fortitude during this difficult time.

Support the Claretian Mission in Haiti

According to the Major Superior of Antilles, Father Fausto Cruz, C.M.F., most needed right now are the basic essentials: water, food, medicine and hygienic supplies. Also, cement, wood, laminate and any supplies needed to help in rebuilding and reconstruction. Please keep our Claretian Missionaries in Haiti and the people of their communities in your prayers and consider supporting the rebuilding of the Claretian Mission in Haiti.

Support the Claretian Mission in Haiti

Any gift you are able to make supports the rebuilding of the Claretian Mission in Haiti badly damaged by the earthquake. Your support for our Haitian community is deeply appreciated. Your generous hearts continue to remind us that we will get through this together.

Send a Prayer for Hope and Healing

Send your special intention for the hope and healing of the Claretian Mission in Haiti. We will deliver your prayer to the altar of St. Jude at the National Shrine of St. Jude to be remembered in our Masses and prayers.