St. Jude Journal – April 2024
When we take part in Solemn Novena prayer, the gifts we receive are many. Our devotion to St. Jude is at its heart about the gift of hope, a blessing for which we as devotees are especially grateful. With the focus of nine days of Novena prayer, the hope of St. Jude is accompanied by the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we pray for particular needs.
This guidance means that God lights the way for us, giving us the deep certainty that we are not alone and that we can move through our challenges and joys with the support, peace, and comfort our prayer imparts.
The upcoming Solemn Novena to St. Jude takes place April 27th—May 5th, at the National Shrine of St. Jude. Join in the Novena by sending your special intentions and we will deliver your petitions to the altar of St. Jude at the National Shrine, where they will be remembered in our Masses and prayers throughout the Novena.
May you find hope and guidance through this Novena experience, whether you are able to join us in person or are joining us from a distance through prayer.