Blessed St Jude, please protect my son in law who is suffering from Coronavirus infection now to get well soon without any kind of health problems.
Please help my nurse daughter and her child from recovering from covid19 which started a week back for them and is still having stomach pain and chest heaviness – Please cure urgently her face allergy ie filled with pus containing acne in clusters in the mask area mostly – please get her a solution lord immediately because she is going into depression and is very negative energy around her . She is a nurse and loves her job please give her confidence and it is difficult to work with so much of problems on her face and she has to wear special masks in the operation theatre which is ruining her work and the politics of her collegues is also there and a lousy partisan manager who is hounding her and not helpful – please let the dermatology department take her – they just said no to her because she has to complete 3 months of antibiotic. she had discontinued her antibiotics because it was not reducing her problem and she tried other alternative medicine – please guide her correctly in this matter lord and let her accept what is good for her .
please let her come and live /buy/rent a home near us lord so that we can help each other. My daughter never speaks to me lord openly -she is going into depression because of her stifling husband who is very controlling .
Please repair mine and her sister’s relationship with her lord.