Blessed St Jude, please guide my naive, stupid, impulsive and vulnerable second daughter who is all alone in the native country with no family with her.
She is now in my apartment from where she had gone to another city after the association and my neighbour complained against her for bringing in men into the apartment-she being single lady its looked down in horror such acts- My daughter is maintains they are just friends.
But this time she is in the apartment with a man she is showing affection to him in front of camera which will be seen by all.
Please let her know she is in enemy territory and none in the apartment complex is her friend they are just pretending to like her .ONLY families are living there and she is the only single female living there now – i have no idea what happend to her job -she is now seen living with this man whom i do not know NOR she is explaining who he is.
Please let her not get into any trouble with any people in the apartment complex and let everything go peacefully.
please let the man whom she is with now be good genuine person lord – please let it be for good lord – i am terrified by what is happening – this is a 3rd world country she is in and no one to protect her and she is doing such things -women are looked down and is 2nd class citizen .
The men are hypocrites, horrible self centred people who drove her away 8 months back to another city where she was working-
please my dear St Jude, be with her and let her be protected – i have no one but you – please watch over her and let her not make one wrong step.
please let her be alert and thinking – please protect her from coronavirus and all other health problems
please let her find her soul mate, fall in love, marry and have family and not waste her time with unnecessary men – please give her a second chance lord after coming from a miserable family and past –
Thank you my dear St Jude, for all the favours to her – always grateful – amen