Blessed St Jude please protect bless and guide my naive, impulsive younger daughter from all her decisions, judgements especially on her life partner , about her future, joking for an MSC Course in this country where her mom & sister is living.
Please take over her life Lord and decide for her please . Show her the reality of her situation and let her keep away her ego and meet her soul mate to love marry and have family of her own and be successful in life.
Please send your powerful miracles to help her to decide before it’s too late and let me be able to afford the course .
Please give her good mental and physical health and protect her from corona virus and all other health problems.
Please let all the enemies of her go away and Lord surround her with good people as friends .
Please let the apartment complex people and the president , Secretary ( my evil neighbour who wants to buy my apartment , the treasurer ( who has never shown any accounts so far) all hypocrites stop attacking me and my daughter and taking advantage of our vulnerabilities.
Thank you for all your favours to her my dear St Jude ..I am ever grateful to you ..amen
Thank you