Dear blessed St Jude please send your powerful miracles to protect my nurse daughter’s high risk pregnancy due to gestation diabetes.
please let there be good movements from the baby and let the stomach bloating and shortness of legs seen in the previous scan get corrected and shown in the new scan to be taken soon. please give protection to the tired husband of hers who is doing all night shift nursing job .
Please let my daughter’s alarming cough going on for months now get cured lord because the delivery is going to be one month ahead of time and also ceaserian and under GA.
Please let her breathing be alright and the foetus growth normal and in good position for delivery. please watch over her lord she is very depressed and fed up – please help her to get some mental peace and happiness and let the mother in law , my daughter and the family be safe and protected from coronavirus and all other health problems .
please bless her and her family and their little old second hand car from all danger –
Thank you for all your favours to her and family my dear St Jude . amen