Please guide and protect my younger daughter in her life and please let her stop inviting men friends to her apartment which is objected by other residents and they are threatening to put her in prison and deliberately pàrking wrong into our parking. etc.
Please stop with your mighty power all our enemies the hypocrite vicious narrow minded men from the association, my neighbour, his wife, poison caretaker who drove me away from my home. and let them be powerless and not attack my daughter.
Please let her get back her faith in god and in the power of prayers.
Please Let her find her soul mate who can fund her marry her have family asap.
Please lord i have not seen my young daughter from 2020 who is all alone with no family members in the native country with her and making mistakes after mistakes so worried ..please send your miracles to save her …from bad friends if any ..bad addictive habits if any ..let her somehow get a good man in her life ..forget her bad past, and move ahead in life take steps to make changes for good , have the guts to make babies fall in love again ..make her future and create her family lord please before she pass her age ..
Please protect her from coronavirus.and all other health 6s.
Thank You For All the Favours to my daughter dear St Jude ..