Dear Saint Jude In The Name Of Christ Jesus Jesus God’s One and Only Son I beg you to bring my prayers to the Throne Of God so that they may be answered, We are going to get evicted and should be getting our court date this month which is only a few days away In July, 2019. Please let our landlord change his mind and not evict I and my family I beg, if he decides to go through with the eviction please let the lawyer my mother contacted do as promised and get us an ajournment and please let that ajournment be at least until August and / or September. It gives us more time to save our money so that we can move please let I and my family find an apartment easily and let my mother Claudia be especially accepting of whatever neighborhood we move into please don’t let our rent be more than 1400 I beg In Jesus Name. Please let all judges give us at least 6 months and have kindness and mercy on us In Jesus Name. Please I beg Im Jesus name don’t let I and my family be homeless please I beg you. Please let everything work out smoothly I am so petrified ask God to give me hope , strength, perseverance and more Faith. Please I beg you for all of these things to help be answered by God . I also ask for forgiveness for all of my sins In Jesus Name Amen