Please dear St Jude, intercede to Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour to urgently protect my second daughter from all harm from the men in my native country apartment complex.
Please let my daughter realise to keep a low profile and be quiet and do things correctly when living in a group with other people.
Please let her behave proper and correct .please control my daughter’s impulsive behaviour Lord..
She lives in a society which is medieval in its thinking with all things favouring men. Even women never sides with a single lady having men friends.
She has no family with her we all are out of the native country and me her mom being the sole carer for her step father cannot go for her rescue.
Please let your mighty power protect ger from all the attacks especially of the divorced man who started the fights by yelling at her doorstep for something which she is not at all responsible. Please let him go away from our complex because its against the byelaw to give apartment for rent to bachelors which he is.
Please don’t let anything bad happen to my daughter lord .thank you for all your favours to her . Amen