Blessed St Jude, please protect, guide, give mental and physical strength to my nurse daughter who is going through marital problems and now realise how she was used continuosly by her evil husband, evil mother in law and sister in law.
They were plotting and planning against her – now that he has reached a western country, we suspect he is having another relationship on the side and is now acting very cold and aloof towards his family- i am worried for my daughter because these people are greedy for money and will do anything to get it.
his father died of suicide hanging – no note was written according to mother
his sister hung herself but saved –lot of mystery surrounding her case
now this husband also is acting extremely selfish – please show us the truth about this man and his family lord – i feel my daughter is unsafe living with him – she is refusing to come to my house saying that she does not want a life like i had when i was a divorced single parent and the children suffer. its a horror situation to continue living like this also –
please stop the visit of the mother in law or anyone from his family to their house lord . its a snake pit family – the mother in law force feeds my daughter all carbohydrates to make her diabetic – the son never gives her free time to go and do her exercise – she is diabetic now and wants to reverse it but no support from the husband or anyone – she is just sitting at home cooking and with the 7 month old baby and 6yr old girl (whom the husband hates)
please let me be able to understand my daughter better and let her confess to me and trust me better lord – she is holding back because she thinks i will act against the husband of whom we still do not have any proof of having an affair.
please let his secrets come out somehow lord – he is closely gaurding them and operating like a professional chess player.
please take a decision for her lord – please let the truth come out and stop the evil family from doing anything against her or breaking up her family –
Above all since i do not know the complete details please dear St Jude, i leave it to you to decide on her behalf what is best for her and kids to stay in the marriage or to be out of the marriage? please intercede to Jesus Christ our lord and saviour please let the final decision be in your hands lord to live with this man or not to continue to this marriage or not lord please decide for her asap – thank you for all your favours to her and family amen-