Ron V
Dear GOD, Jesus, Holy Spirit,
Mary, Joseph, and Saint Jude:
Please accept my most sincere thanks, and eternal gratitude for all you have done for myself and my family.
Please pray for those I know, for all who I do not know, and those of the Prayer Circle.
Please hear and answer all my daily prayers, and petitions for All, and for Myself.
With the state of the world we live in today, I know you are so busy.
Please continue to help me!
Especially now for I have been asking for special graces!
Please continue to answer all my prayers, petitions, favors, graces, requests, novenas, intentions, intersessions, invocations, and interventions.
Please do so in conjunction with all the Apostles, Martyrs, Angels and Saints.
I am in dire need of help more so now than ever before!
Which are in so many ways, which I have prayed about continuously.
Also, pray for the Eternal Soul of my Father Ralph V, who departed this world on April 8Th, 2020 as he succumbed to complications due the current Pandemic. Please pray for my Mother, Edna who died on this day 39 years ago.
Please Pray for My Parents Eternal Souls.
Please Pray for all who are affected by it, this pandemic, and any other trial and tribulations, in any and all ways.
Please Pray for My Family and Children.
With Devotion to you, and with Love of GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT, MARY and JOSEPH,
I Thank you!
Ron V.
PS: Please heal our Country and World – Open our Church’s and Keep them Open!!!
Please help me with my new job. Help me to excel and transcend all expectations. Help to me receive the medical coverage that I am applying for and additional benefits.
And Please let there be no negative issues, actions, or repercussions for past issues, actions and so on!
Please answer my Holy Rosary intentions for All.
Please pray for my daughter who has MS, and for N. Please provide cures and excellent health !!!
Help me get the Job on Wednesday and help all seeking work.
Please forgive me as a Sinner in this life.
Let all accept JESUS as Lord, GOD AND savior !!!
Thank you for all Prayers Answered!!!