Dear Sts Jude, Anthony and Rita please help my sister to recover from cancer, I hope the chemotherapy works. Why is it our family that always suffers. I’m on disability. That the last thing I need is to have those 2 insensitive sisters imposing on me. They just think that’s all I need is just food. Besides food that don’t think much of me at all. I’ll be 65 this August. And I’m so tired of their misery. They don’t love me. I’m on a fixed income, and I’m trying to get a well paying job with my 2 year computer degree. As I have no experience, and social security on gives you a 9 month trial work to test your skills. Then they determine if still qualify for Social Sec Disability. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get a well paying job that will support me. And where they live is beyond city limits and there is isn’t a transportation system, like they have here where I live. Its also very expensive, my Section 8 won’t cover my housing costs and I don’t want to live with the sisters.