
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hope.
Please intercede on my behalf. Make use of that particular privilege given to you to bring hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most.
Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven as I work with my challenges, particularly miraculously heal, cure and save the life of my little B. We are very worried and scared. Please make everything ok. Let her test results be normal and if she has surgery let everything go smoothly. Let her not be in pain or discomfort. Restore full health to her and give her a long healthy life.Please continue to heal him and bless him with a long life. Please reward our faith. Please do not let us lose hope because we are holding onto our little Hope knowing that God will heal her and she will beat the horrible disease.She is very precious to us and we are very worried about her health. Please give us hope, good judgement ,clairty and direction. I hope she gets some relief. Hope things turn out to be alright and not hopeless as it seems now. Bring healing to her and cure her please.Praise God with you and all the saints forever. Thank you for everything you do and will do.
I promise, blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.Thank you for EVERYTHING and please continue to help us with EVERYTHING!!! I Praying for health, wellness and safety of my family. offer all my fears and worries to God. Lord God, thank you for your compassion and mercy. I ask God for FORGIVENESS for my sins, safety from potential threats, and overall protection.Thank you so much for all the answered prayers. Please continue to help us in all our needs. Please help everyone and heal everyone who are suffering. Please bring peace & harmony all around us.Please heal everyone who are sick, help everyone who are in desperate need of miracles. Please help us. Amen
With the Love of JESUS, PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS, May the Lord Jesus, our Heavenly Father, grant every request we made here, according to his will.