Prayer Circle
Share your prayer or thanksgiving
Post your prayer or thanksgiving below to receive prayer and encouragement from our National Shrine of St. Jude community. When you post below your name and your prayer will be publicly viewable on this webpage.
Or if you prefer, send your private intentions to the altar of St. Jude at the National Shrine
where they will be prayed for by the Claretians.
Post Your Prayer
Dear St. Jude, thank you for granting so many of my prior prayers. Please help my son get through with minimal consequences from his recent legal issue. Please help him truly understand and make better decisions in the future. Thank you for helping him excel in school and please continue helping him to do so. Amen.
Dear St. Jude, thank you for granting so many of my prior prayers. Please help my son get through with minimal consequences from his recent legal issue. Please help him truly understand and make better decisions in the future. Thank you for helping him excel in school and please continue helping him to do so. Amen.
Thank you for taking my Renal Cancer away, keeping my mother stable, and giving me the strength to continue throughout my anxiety; please help my anxiety and money worries go away.
Please help my family to heal, help my husband’s health I pray to you st jude
Thank you for my son getting a job.
I pray to you today for Positive Results for Relocation into a Rent Control Apartment in the complex we now reside for my husband & myself. Our Senior years are gaining on us & so is the cost of high rent. Thank you in advance St. Jude you have never let me down. May God guide your efforts to give us comfort as we need them. Amen
For my grandson to find work
I pray for employment for my son.
Please Saint Jude intercede for me and my family….for Me….I am in college struggling with Algebra…I study every day …right now I have C average…but I need to pass the rest of the tests or I will fail again…please give me the strength to recall the problems. And remain calm…I get so uptight…for my loving husband please pray for his health…he is a good man…Saint Jude please intercede for me…
St. Jude, thank you for answering my prayers for my daughter and my two sisters.