Prayer Circle

Prayer Circle

Share your prayer or thanksgiving

Post your prayer or thanksgiving below to receive prayer and encouragement from our National Shrine of St. Jude community. When you post below your name and your prayer will be publicly viewable on this webpage.

Or if you prefer, send your private intentions to the altar of St. Jude at the National Shrine
where they will be prayed for by the Claretians.

Post Your Prayer

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Pauline avendano

March 30, 2019 Comments Off on Pauline avendano

Dear st Jude,
Today a pray for a job. Any job. Any opportunity to be able to keep my family fed, and with a roof over their head. I’m desperate. Please help me.


March 30, 2019 Comments Off on cj

please pray for back and leg pains and my health. amen.


March 30, 2019 Comments Off on Erika

Porfavor no te olvides de mi, tu sabes cuanto llevo pidiendote este milagro,
Porfavor intecerde por mi empleo, porfavor no te olvides de mi

Barbara E

March 30, 2019 Comments Off on Barbara E

St Jude thank you for a true miracle.. after years of raging alcoholism you cured my husband. I thank you every day. He is now 32 years sober. A true miracle. You’ve helped me in many other ways also . I’ll never cease my devotion to you .

Susan praslick

March 30, 2019 Comments Off on Susan praslick

2 prayers 1) same trip home for my son from Bhutan!! 2)my new granddaughter healthy after tough delivery


March 30, 2019 Comments Off on Olivia

Please pray for me and Arturo that we may have the blessings of our almighty Jesus Christ for our happiness to go on in life and that no man be in between our love for each other please pray for us

Joanne Gallucci

March 30, 2019 Comments Off on Joanne Gallucci

Thank you Saint Jude for answering my prayer, please continue to keep me free of cancer. God Bless all of you at the Shrine.

Susan Vaughn

March 30, 2019 Comments Off on Susan Vaughn

Prayer for healing from the cancer that currently afflicts my body. Thanksgiving for healing from lymphoma and breast cancer.


March 30, 2019 Comments Off on R

Dear St. Jude, thank you for granting so many of my prior prayers. Please help my son get through with minimal consequences from his recent legal issue. Please help him truly understand and make better decisions in the future. Thank you for helping him excel in school and please continue helping him to do so. Amen.


March 30, 2019 Comments Off on R

Dear St. Jude, thank you for granting so many of my prior prayers. Please help my son get through with minimal consequences from his recent legal issue. Please help him truly understand and make better decisions in the future. Thank you for helping him excel in school and please continue helping him to do so. Amen.