Prayer Circle

Prayer Circle

Share your prayer or thanksgiving

Post your prayer or thanksgiving below to receive prayer and encouragement from our National Shrine of St. Jude community. When you post below your name and your prayer will be publicly viewable on this webpage.

Or if you prefer, send your private intentions to the altar of St. Jude at the National Shrine
where they will be prayed for by the Claretians.

Post Your Prayer

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February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Richard

Dear St Jude, Anthony, and Rita please help me out of my debts. And let me the root canals on my teeth. Thank you for all answered prayers. Please help to get a caseworker. That can help me with my section 8 paperwork. Thank you, Amen


February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Cral

Please St Jude prayer for PJC sr please ask Jesus to
Wrap his glorious arms around him. Thank you❤️


February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Annette

St Jude please watch over my son Philip
Always. He is a good son, father, husband. Thank you fir always being there fir us


February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Kathleen

Tomorrow starts the Winter Solemn Novena to St. Jude at the National Shrine. I will pray for Richard, Mindy, MC, Thomas Murray, Mary, Anonymous and All in this Prayer Circle.

Granny B

February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Granny B

Please pray for my daughter Amanda. She has been chronically ill with G.I. issues for the last two years. Nobody can seem to find an issue going on and I’m worried that it could be a mental illness thing. So please pray that Amanda can be healed of her G.I. issues, her migraine headaches, and any other health issues she may be experiencing. Please also heal Amanda of her mental health issues and guide her to seek out some mental health counseling and maybe get placed on some medication. Please help to save her marriage. She’s starting a new job on Tuesday with a very bad attitude. She doesn’t want to work, but she needs to help support her family. So please let this job go well for her and that she can thrive and do well at this job. Please help to heal Amanda of all her health issues. Please guide Amanda to seek out mental health counseling. Please also guide Amanda to seek and find Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior very soon. Please don’t let Amanda die young and don’t let her die soon and please let Amanda get back to her old happy self. Please let Amanda get back to her healthy self and to just start to feel better in Jesus name, I pray to Saint Jude. Saint Jude thank you for listening and hearing my prayers. Please Saint Jude please hear and answer my prayers.


February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Mary

Dear St. Jude,

Please intercede to bring peace and happiness to the person I treated very poorly many years ago. I feel so badly I was mean. I think about it a lot. I am finally coming to you for intercession. I know I cannot undo being mean, but I do want to pray for this person.

I now try hard to be kind and nice to other people.

Thank you for hearing my prayer, St. Jude, and thank you for your past help with other


February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Andrea

I pray for my son’s safety. Protect all dealing with addiction and show them hope.


February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Juana

Señor Jesus y Virgen Maria les consagró la abogado para adoptar a Addilyn, nuestra cita de hoy y todo el proceso, el juez, todo este proceso. Te ruego Jesús que selles con tu preciosa sangre todo detalle de este proceso, toda persona, todo detalle necesario para el bienestar físico, espiritual y emocional de estas niñas. Por la misericordia de Dios y por su intercesión recibamos este regalo. Les consagró la conversión de su Mamá Alicia y su abuela Cynthia Kier. Les consagró su pureza, Les consagró el retiro de mañana, las almitas que están invitadas, les consagramos todo nuestro ser, para que todo sea según la voluntad de Dios y seamos guiados solo por el Espíritu Santo al dictar las charlas y todo detalle del retiro. Que su amor irradie en nosotros, que seamos llenos de gracia. Les consagro a Mi esposo y Javier, Luis jr, Jessica, sus vidas espirituales, física y mental, concédanles amistades santas que los acerquen a Dios. Les consagró nuestra proteccion y liberacion de todo mal y enamoren a nuestras familias de Dios, intercedan para que toda mi familia y almitas del retiro reciban la gracia de la Consagración Total.

Thomas Murray

February 14, 2025 Comments Off on Thomas Murray

I Pray For All Here


February 14, 2025 Comments Off on MC

Please pray with St Jude for our fragile family: my husband (health safety and ours), our autistic son ‘s future (healing, finding a girlfriend, autonomy,keeping his job), our jobless slightly autistic daughter’s future ( finding a job asap, conversion, marriage in the Church), her fiancé ( success getting Bachelor, conversion) and me in the struggle against despair. Praying for dear Richard, Mindy, Kathleen, Thomas, Anonymous and all in the prayer circle and truly grateful for prayers