Following Daunting Paths

For every human reality, there is a spiritual reality that gives deeper meaning to our lives. Our devotion to St. Jude and all of the saints helps us keep the spiritual dimension of our lives front and center, an ongoing recognition that Christ lives within us.

The presence of Christ within urges us to share that holiness with others. We can do it through prayer, and we can do it through action. The idea of “action” can hold a lot of weight; it can feel like an impossible burden to know we must work to do as Christ and the saints have done. They were martyrs; they suffered mightily and they carried heavy crosses. How can we possibly follow in their paths? Are we able to tackle this enormous mountain of saintly acts? As we take the time to be grateful for Christ’s presence within us daily, we find the strength to continue our path.

We do this all the time as devotees of St. Jude, sharing special intentions with St. Jude in the hope he offers as his healing gift. This is our prayer, one we know and trust. Our action is similar whenever we give encouragement, listen to another’s story, and let patience prevail as we recognize our own flaws. Bringing Christ from within us out to others is the basis of the servant-leadership so distinctly shown to us by the saints. We lead by offering the world the gift of joy, mercy, and compassion with an open heart—in whatever capacity we have, and in the spirit of all God has given to us.

St. Jude shows us tirelessly that he is at the service of all seeking hope and healing, that he is our intercessor working to bring us peace. We’re so grateful for this peace that we come back to St. Jude again and again, making him an integral part of our lives. Ideally we will be inspired to share this blessing, this special saint, with others. As we recognize the need for hope and strength in others we know, we have the ability to serve them well by guiding them to the Patron Saint of Hope.

SEO FaithReflection DauntingPaths