Wisdom is an integral part of a life of faith. It enables thoughtful and considered decisions, a spirit of calm faith in difficult times, and deep trust in the ways of God. We look to the Bible as the guide God has given us to find meaningful joy in life, and to reach eternal life with Him. In both the Old and New Testaments, that guidance prioritizes wisdom. The Old Testament gives us ways in which we can cultivate wisdom as it connects so intimately to our relationship with God. Then in the life of Jesus, wisdom is not just an important characteristic; He is the incarnation of wisdom.
In the Old Testament, the Book of Proverbs shares an abundance of clues about what we need to gain a fuller sense of what wisdom is and how to harness its power for our lives. We should fundamentally desire wisdom, and consider gaining it a true prize. That desire will lead us to spend time exploring the Bible’s messages to learn and grow, as well as the messages of great thinkers and writers throughout history and in literature.
Wisdom also develops as we grow in our awareness that this earthly life is finite and its purpose is our path to our eternal life with God. Our faith reminds us in so many ways “we are dust, and to dust we shall return.” It is this awareness that nourishes the wisdom that is grounded in the life of the spirit over the fleeting things of this world. Life on earth is short, and life in heaven, eternal. “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).
The life of Jesus teaches us that humility is also essential for wisdom to flourish. Humility allows us to reflect on ourselves more honestly, to listen to the wisdom of others more fully, and to be willing to trust in and do what God asks of us in the commandments and in the Gospels. “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon a rock” (Matthew 7:24).
Wisdom is woven throughout Jesus’ encounters, miracles, and messages. Wisdom is, at its core, understanding. Wisdom is sincerity of heart with insight that brings us greater joy and happiness in our lives as it guides and strengthens us, and in turn becomes a gift of understanding to those we encounter and cherish.