Please pray with me

Please help me pray to God dear friends of faith…
Dear God, Please help me I surrender my life to you, my dear God. I hope my prayer request is in alignment with God’s plan for me. I am very anxious and scared about my upcoming mammogram. I am scared about the discomfort I am feeling in my body. Please heal my body and please do not let me have cancer or any serious illness. Please make all my scans and checkups good. Please heal my body. My father has cancer and it makes me scared doing my checkups as well as I am getting older and my kids are still very young. Please do not let me have cancer or any serious illness. I am begging you, please my little children needs me, my dear God. I also have elderly parents and a father who is sick who needs my support. I really can’t afford to get sick right now. Please continue to bless me with a long and healthy life. This will always be my birthday wish and I fervently pray that you grant them. Please bless me with good health and a long life. I am fervently requesting for my prayers to be granted not just for me but most especially for my little children. I have little children who needs me to help them navigate through life, to care for them, guide them. I asked for children and I was blessed to have them. Please allow me to spend more time with them as they grow. I hope it is not too much to ask for this favor that cancer will not touch my body. I’d like to request this for my birthday please. I hope this is not too much to ask and I hope you can bless me with a healthy and safe life. Please bless me with a long and healthy life so I can be there for my children and family. My healthy life itself will be your most precious gift. I really want to live longer so I can be with my sweet children. I can’t stop myself from crying as I type this message. I worry about this heavily in my mind and my fears are consuming me every day. I’m really sorry for being weak because I know I should have a strong faith in God and believe in my heart that God is good. It’s just so hard. Please calm my anxious heart. Take away all my fears and worries. Please, please don’t let me have cancer. I also pray for my father, that he will continue to be healed from cancer and that all his scans and checkups will always be good. Thank you so much for helping him heal and recover. Please continue to completely heal my father and that the cancer doesn’t spread to other parts of his body. I fervently pray that the lymph nodes in his neck will completely go away and that it is not cancer. Please heal my father. I’m sorry for always asking about this. Please remove all inflammation, blood clots, blockages, damages tissues and cancer cells in his body. I also ask for your healing on my mother for her goiter. Please continue to heal my mother and do not let her get sick also. I pray for my husband, my brothers as well as their families that none of us in our family w will be touched by cancer. Please protect us dear God. Please save my family from cancer and any serious illnesses. Protect us from evil. Please hear my prayers. I hope you can answer my prayers. Thank you so much for answering my previous prayers and for all our blessings. Please continue to help and guide us every day. Please continue to bless and guide my children. Please bless them with good people in their lives and good friends. I pray that my children Will forever love each other and will be blessed with a bright future and good husbands. Please never allow them/us to be separated from God. Please continue to give us strength every day and continue to fight our battles. Please heal my father, dear God. Please make everything ok. Please make all our scans and checkups good. I also pray for everyone who are here and those who are terminally ill, lonely, hopeless, sick. Please bless us with your miracles and never ending hope. Amen.