Please intercede for me
Dear St. Jude and fellow faithful intercessors, please help pray for me. Please take away the pain and discomfort I am feeling in my body. Please do not let me have cancer or any serious illness. I am feeling sore on my left side of my body and I am scared why. Please heal my body. Take away all the pain and discomfort. Please do not let me have cancer or any serious illness. I have little children who needs me. I humbly ask for this prayers to be granted that I may live long and healthy for my children and be able to raise them well as how God created them to be. I prayed so hard for my children and God gave them to me. Please allow me to be healthy and bless me with grace of strength, wisdom, courage and knowledge in raising my children. Please bless me with everything that I will need. I hope you can grant my prayers. Please heal my body, mind and spirit. Bless me with good health and strength each day. Amen.