Need your help please

Please help me succeed in my dreams. I’ve been using all my savings and need to save money again but I have no steady income. My life revolves around my children and I do not know how I can make money again. Please give me more opportunities. Please direct me and show me how I can earn income for my family in our everyday expenses. I want to be able to help my senior parents but I am not making any money. I cannot ask help from my husband. Please help me. I really dont know what to do. Please talk to me Lord. What can I do so I can make money again. I have other people depending on me. Please help me please bless me. Please help me St. Jude. I do not know how to stop my daughter from having night terrors every night. She throws up when being half asleep and i dont know how to stop it. Her eyes are open but do not know when shes throwing up. Please heal my daughter. She stopped doing this already and it came back after she had a high fever and now i cant stop the cycle again. I really don’t know what to do. Please help my daughter sleep peacefully and rest well at nights without any episodes like this. Please help us. Answer our prayers please and hear my request. Please heal my body from all the aches and pains. Please do not let me have cancer and other serious illness. My little children still need me. Please im begging for a blessing of long and healthy life. All for my children, God. I fervently pray that my prayers will be granted please. Amen