My dearest friend
Dear St. Jude and all the prayer warriors here, please help me pray to God to grant my request. I am very worried about my friend because I haven’t heard from him for more than a week now. I have no other way to find out how he is doing. It really hurts me so much. I don’t know what happened to him. Please let him know that I am very worried about this and his disappearing is really hurting me. Please allow him to connect with me again to let me know that he is ok. I pray that he is out of danger, healthy, and safe. Please bring him back to me just to clear my head. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I have done to make him disappear like this. Our last conversation was light and happy. Please make everything ok. Please hear my prayers and I am praying for this hoping it will also be God’s will that we will communicate again. Please hear my prayers. You’re the only one who can see what’s in my heart. I only have pure intentions nothing more. I am really worried sick. I don’t know how I can keep this friendship going just by myself and I don’t know how to build this healthy friendship for us without God’s help and God’s will. I’m really anxious about this for days now. Please help me. Amen.