
Dear St. Jude, please guide and help my daughter while she is in school. Please surround her with good people and bless her with nice and good friends. She feels so alone and lonely sometimes and she tells me when she go home. Please bless her with good friends who can keep her company so she doesn’t feel so alone at recess. Protect her from any forms of evil. Keep bullies away from her. Please do not let other kids push her again because she doesn’t know what to do. My heart hurts when she’s not with me so i can protect her and be with her. Please help her in her studies. Please let her enjoy her days in school because she really loves to be in school and to learn. I also pray that mosquitoes and ants will stay away from her because she’s allergic to bites. Please make it another good year for her. Please keep her safe, healthy, and happy always. Please protect her, St. Jude. I pray that you offer all my heart’s desires on God’s foot. I hope you hear and answer my prayers. Please continue to keep us healthy and safe always please. Amen.