St. Jude, I pray that you will pray for us to the Lord our God to help us pass our Pharmacy Licensure Exam this November 9 and 10 2022 here in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Let it be St. Jude that you will pray for us to the Lord that He may take away our worries, anxieties, fears, doubts, intrusive thoughts and even the habit of being competitive in this very season of pruning. Pray for us that the Lord may take these away so nothing may hinder us from seeking Him and putting our entire trust and faith in Him. I also pray that you intercede for us to the Lord our God to send upon us His Holy Spirit to help us and guide us in answering the exam tomorrow. I pray for the success and the future endeavors of all the Pharmacists’ Licensure Exam Takers for this season. I will make your name known St. Jude and I will never forget your intercession for this special favor! Thank you St. Jude!