Prayer to St. Jude for Advent
Lord Jesus, your power is infinite; your glory, everlasting. Quietly you come into the world as an innocent child. Ready my heart for the miracle of your birth. Bring light to the world, as we wait silently for your warmth in the coldness of the night. Bless me with patience and faithful discipline to prayerfully prepare to welcome and greet you. St. Jude, Patron of Hope, pray that Christ’s holiness will flow into me this Advent. May Christmas joy and burning love take root in me and grow to carry the joy beyond me and inspire hope in others. Amen.
National Shrine of St. Jude Advent Meditations
St. Jude is there for us in our Advent preparation for the birth of Christ. As Christmas approaches, lighting the Advent wreath reminds us that God’s love for us is strong. The Claretians will be praying for you this Advent season. We invite you to pray with us each week of Advent with our National Shrine of St. Jude Advent Meditations.