Friends in Christ, pray with me for St. Jude’s divine intervention to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the red zone of Dubuque county, Iowa as well as throughout America and the world: In Jesus’s Holy Name, St. Jude, please help END this evil and divisive arguing in America over mask-wearing. DIVINELY INSPIRE the hearts and minds of each and EVERY American to take responsibility and do what has been proven to stop the spread of COVID-19 and wear a mask, keep socially distant, and to frequently wash their hands. Sacred Lord, we know that we cannot resume anything (our lives, sending our precious children, college students, teachers and staff to school, and getting fully back to work and a fully functioning economy) unless and until COVID-19 is under control. DIVINELY INSPIRE the federal, state, and local governmental and corporate leaders and school administrators to look to what other countries have done successfully to slow the spread and stop overwhelming hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, and nurses and then to ACT and IMPLEMENT these plans. We are 7 months into this pandemic, yet several states are dangerously low on medicines and personal protective equipment; health care and essential workers are sick and COVID-19 continues to kill over 1,000 Americans EACH DAY. Lord Jesus, please help us! Divine Physician, your people are suffering and fighting and losing hope: pour forth your healing miracles and mercies upon us! Lord of Lords and King of Kings, forgive us our sins. Blessed Virgin Mary, our beloved Mother, intercede for us. Lord, we trust in You. Amen and Amen!