Laura dale

Dear saint Jude powerful saint of hopeless causes and powerful saint of miracles l know you 🙏 also 🙏 prayer for people who are struggling with cancer and l ask for your intercession and divine intervention to release a miracle healing for my husband who’s in the hospital in London Ontario who is suffering from a cancer of the liver it’s called lymphoma and he has a fever and a infection right now they had to stop the chemotherapy to treat this infection please help him fight this infection so they can continue the treatment to kill this cancer so he can get well again and get back the strength to walk l believe you can and will answer my prayer l know you are a strong powerful saint that makes miracles and l ask you to grant me this 🙏 prayer on my husband’s behalf and please give all the doctors the power to heal him through your divine intervention l thank you for all favours received God bless you in God almighty name in heaven amen from the Dale’s in Ontario Canada amen