Jeanne M

O my Jesus, I beg You to always grant the whole Church Your love & the light of Your Spirit & always , give power to the words of priests so that all hardened hearts might be brought to repentance & return fully to You,always accompany all priests, seminarians & novices everywhere &protect them from all of the devils traps & snares which are continually being set for the souls of priests, seminarians & novices.Always shatter & bring to naught all that might tarnish the sanctity of priests, seminarians & novices,for You can do all things.Endow each of them with the gifts of discernment so that they may correctly lead all of us back into full union with You. Grant that Your Divine Assistance remains with them always. Please always adequately fund all of Your seminarians without delay. Please greatly increase dedicated vocations to the priesthood, PLEASE. Thank You for the many Holy sincere priests You have given to us Please get rid of the heresy which has entered Your Church and bring all of us back in full union with You, Your sacraments and Your Church. Amen Lord Jesus, let me drink from the same cup which You drank, receive the same baptism You received! Amen Thank You for all You have done for me. Amen Lord Jesus, our Savior, always Bring all of us back to You. Always give Jason, my nephew all of the graces necessary to return to full union with You, Your Sacraments and the Church. Fill our minds and hearts with Your Wisdom. Amen Please give the Montelores Catholic Community a second dedicated priest very, very soon, please increase greatly dedicated vocations to the priesthood always. Amen. Please help the deacon at the Montelores Catholic Community with his homilies that he doesn’t offend people but his homilies contain what You wish he give us. amen Lord Jesus, please watch over,protect & help all of the older priests who are trying to ‘hang on’ for us. Please watch over, protect, and help all priests. Give us many more dedicated priests to the priesthood. +In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus, by the sign of Your Most Holy Cross,+withdraw from Your Church, your priests and Your most Holy Teachings Satan and all other evil spirits roaming the earth seeking ruin of Your Most Holy Church, priests & Your teachings . Amen