I thank St Judes intercession pleading for protecting my family and me from crises these last 5 months with the Blessed Mothers mantel of protection from the enemy. My gson Max lost 2 soccer friends in England. God heard St Jude and he is home in Australia and healing. My breathing nearly stopped completely. The Holy Spirit nudges me to wake up every nite and use meds to resume breathing as I call out to St Jude. My son is drawing healing between distances daughters, his sisters. St Jude protected me from financial ruin phishing! And he thru the Holy spirit created pathways for my homes functioning safely wo a scammer. Praise God for St Judes intercession as I thank him.nightly and pray for him too. St Anrhony of Padua asked we pray for him. So if the saints pray for us why nor pray for them in heaven near our Father. May God hear all your prayers. I pray also for my children’s and gchildren conversion.