Gabrielle M.
Pres Blood Jesus, ItPg, HlSpt, HFJ, JKAN, Our Lady Snows, Jesus EchLrd SHJ IHM, OLL, OLF, OLV, OLG, OLGC, OLGR, OLGS, OLMM, OLMC, Jesus Divine Physician, Holy Spirit, OLS all Holy men & wmn in hvn & earth, all Grdn Arch Seraph & Cherub Power Thrones Virtues Prcnplties Dominion Angels Sts Pio, Athy, Expd, Jsph, Ann, More, Christr, Paul, Bosco, Lucy, Mcl Gbrl Rphl, Dyn, Rita, Thrs Lsx, MG, Nicls, BslJohn Bapt, Mta, TA, JA, Peter, Luke, 3 kings wise men, Mthw, Mark, John, Isdr(s) CthAlx,Clare, Arch Bishop Fulton Sheen, Mother Angelica, Bishop Schmitt, all of my deceased family members, all holy men and women in heaven and on earth, MG. Faustina, my dead Mom, all souls in purgatory, Frncs Assisii & Jude Please adopt Victoria as your spiritual child pray for V si & all of Vs intentions, Bless pour out blsgs protect provide prioritize replace guide heal replenish prtz fv hghst & best for V V improve in abdc Victoria all of V’s intentions, all of V’s: income, prosperity in every ways, hdilglcsiiiiifslpdmihidtgrpppsficpidrpsimowhphiriiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiivsiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiclrty fv siihealings, special intentions, home, level headedness, clarity, understanding, peace, calm, love, car, btrhth & btrptn, career, purity, chastity, renew V and SJII minds in Jesus Christ every day for the rest of our lives, put the mind of Christ on V JJII SJ KQRTi TAi DMDIPIi SJ TM SIIIIIand all in WV USA and on earth 24-7-365 for the rest of our lives, souls in purgatory, love, mercy, jsi, lglcsiiiiiiiiimowcrfv, siii, help V to downsize iiiiifv put he mind of Christ on V 365 days per year fv, carpoolings siii, heal V sad gad ptsdiiiiiifv special intentions and petitions siiiii, V’s relief from all pain fv, V’s real sicli moral value based CthlcChrstn dates sii museum dates walking dates dinner and lunch dates cvnrs zoo festival Christmas shopping G/pg dates si g/pg rtd pure chaste dates siifv mrcsi love, no more misfortunes in V’s life forever fv, love, jsi, siifv, siiiiiiiiiiiifviii, Special intentions, special intentions, deliverance restorations, happy unions, special intentions purity EMBSPH healings, si, date for mrsa wdg fall fstbl olg svn sprgsiii museum dates take V out to dinner siiiii amshcntryhstymsmsichrstmstrfstvls siiiii chtsthxnybd giiiiiiifv V dtvc krggsuthrmsiiiigsiiiiiictltngii special intentions, Special Intentions Special Intentions help V lose 35 pounds and inces siiiiii, cloack V with cloak of St Patrick put on V full armor of GOD 365 days per year for the rest of my life fv mercies, special Intentions Special Petitions Special Intentions, wltgkrggsutfedhrcriifrtdsiiclphnlfiiaaahlwzhphdfslpdmimowiiiifvmrcysii camm thgiihel V buy and eath high prtn high fbr very little refine sugar little crbs high frsh frt high vgtbls dly sii lactose freee siiii eat 1000 calories per day burn 400 with exercise si vlp lkprk sprvvvstiii, special intentions and petitions and petitionsii, godly emplymnt siiiifv mrcies, love, special intentions, understanding hbii, si, clarity, peace, mdi, stability, security, special intentions, peace of mind and body, love, children’s books, bkcntiedsi spgrtnsiagent, publr, understanding, faith, special intentions and petitions, hope, joy, self control, provide for all of my needs just for today Jesus and keep me from stain of sin just for today, peace in my families and godly relationships, peace in V community WV USA and on earth, special intentions, ccqfii fv, love, joy, peace, sii,k love, sii, godliness temporal legal dating career professional personal financial retirement car cmm fix V car affordably agent attny’s md healing publisher safe travel krggsutgc apt insptc storage rmnt prtytx lcsi si wrtg childrens Chrstn books sltxi emplymnti si good luck good fortune prosperity sfawatntsisi rep ed hlgsi vlpi si dci happy unions sisi car love si drpcpisi ihriivpskncrhrcrsimticrbblkrclalniiiiiiiiiihphihlwiiiiiilglcsfviii fv and mercies si, mowi dshfrtcmptr iiiiihredhlw btr health and healings si spg rtn ex sltxirsntltrs bkcy tmprl se lsk hlthins hp si dsb&dsbmn si siifv ii,si, hdfslpdmaaazmfi favors mercies si, love, godly real siii ifriends family church community emplyr inlw md attys gvtii car hlrs prf =ykd msln pure chst Cthcii scr stbl faithful hsbd lk StJsph sii rtmt incmiifvmrscsii stii Special Intentions & Petitions, safe travel, mindfulness, siiiiifv, love, si, justicei, mercies, love, si, love, calm, love, si, gentleness, joy, peace, love, EMBSPH healings, stability, love, my guardian angel all Arch angels Saints Angels and Virgin Mary thank you and blessings, love, si, ii, love, prosperity, love, si, gentleness, sppts love, special intentions, V repiisi fv, calm, virtues I need most, siifv security, peace of mind and body, peace, happiness, car cmm rtmnt IRS TXNTLTRS sisiftr fv, love, calm, peace, dntlclng si msgigrtsii fv, sii, good fortune, prosperity, income and financial blessings, fntlcng good health and healings, goodness, kindness, peace, peace of mind and body, jsi, mercy, spclints orgz V apt lf strg siiifv, temporal legal spiritual financial income career professional personal dtg rp retirement favors, si, love, happy unions prosperity, love,siretirement favors, love, special intentions and petitions, rpnshsfvpatintdrpiedhrcrblccnpskncgssiihgi mercies favors si, thank you, frtdsintclphmfelmf favors and mercies si, self control, love, Special Intentions & Petitions, iictltng, chbkscrdtgfn to take off fvi , strengthen heal & make whole in body mind & soul V filled with PBJ V sii, dtg, Special Petitions & Intentions, cut cords not best 4 V & help V form healthy godly attachments siifv merciesi ent cpns, good luck, good fortune, self control, ovcmtp, hopesiispgtrniifv, love, reali =yoked pure chst lvg faithful Ctci cute mascln godly gentleman husband similar to St Josephi bring us tgthr on wings of Gods Angels & let him be happy about it fvii, i, clarity, happy death, happy life, heal my DAD spclintsisii sppts, Special Intentions, hope, curb V appetite raise V metabolic rate si si fv, financial blessings and favors, Special Intentinos, Special Petitons, Special Intentions, put on V full armor of God 24.7.365, Special Intentions, Special Petitions, Special Intentions, sppts, cloak V with the cloak bp of St patric 24.7.365 fv mercies, Special Intentions si, mercy, happiness, sppts, Special Intentions Special Intentions, Special Intentions, Special Intentions, Special Intentions, Special Intentions, forgiveness si, spclints, spclints spclints, love, Special intentions, peace, Special Intentions, love, V’s written petitions and daily offering prayer ministry bag candle OSST DM HSS SU OLL MH all cndlv&r si Eucharistic Adoration wrtn and oral pt OMPH TL rsy ms nvna ptns sii fv mercies si, reparation for V sin and sin in the world, healings si fv, spclints, faith, ctrl tng, sii, mindfulness, temporal and legal fv, spclintssi hlwmgcisi fv, V paperwork sii fv, Special Intentions, heal V brn cncni heck wl eyes back foot skni fv mercies V lpiiifv mercies, si, spclints, love, Souls in purgatory, si, help with a family mattersi, assistance with financial difficulties, relief from pain, freedom from depression or anxiety, MOW crtcnn fvmerciessiii, hdfslpdmimowirtiifv, special intentions and petitions, petitions, love, special intentions and petitions, peace of V’s mind and body, calm, love, tranquility, healings special petitions, special intentions, a return of faith, guidance for a loved one in troublesiii, help with a difficult decisions, courage in the face of adversity or uncertainties, improved health, btrpsn, hope and inspirations, body and spiritual well beings, a grateful heart, love special intentions and petitions, special intentions and petitions, special intentions and peittions and petitions and petitions and petitions, love, Special intentions, V’s happy healthy godly stable secure grace filled fti marriage home/married careers children retmnt life sii fv, love, temporal favors, peace, spclints spclints, si, love, sii,retirement bkcy gciifv awcbiskncrntathredazhlwdsftclphncmptreddrpinssfmiiif fv krggsutand cmm, V’s written petitions & daily offering prayer ministry bag DM SU HSS MH TL 13 OSST OMPH OLL wrtn & oral Erst Adstntli pts rsy msn nv pry tlpry prycrcl crcl lght& all cdlptsi God answer all prayers tucked inside quickly special Intentions, put on V armor of God spclints fv, temporal legal legalcsii& spiritual favors, love, special intentions, new ec car grt wnty grt gs mlg special intentions cmptr, love, prosperity, spclints, Special Intentions & Petitons, Pettions, Special Intentions, Special Intentions & Pts, V’s healthy happy peaceful wlpdiso pure chaste kind simple evdyisecure stablei calm loving proprs sii mild gntli Ctc dtg wlpdcri sac married home family prg motherhood children dtv mrg retmnt si life siiii fv, Special Intentions, Special Petitions, Special Intentions, Jesus mold V into who V is to be for God, graces V needs most, goodness, Special Intentions, spclints lglg aty fv mercesisii fv, dtvctnsi spptsi fv, real siicl moral value based ii friends family husband like ST Joseph md attnys agent publisher emplyrsii church community apt cmplx inlwi stii bkcyiii aptbldii ent associates siiii car md hi ci fvrs mercies sii fv, love, love, peace, sii cmm cpnsi krgrgsut fvi siifv, special intentions fv, love, carpoolings siiiiifv, loe, sii, help V sell 7777 books per year, sii special intentions special petitions special intentions special intentions special intentions, iiiiifv, temporal and spritial lgl fv, sppts, moral value based chst cthii sii dates for V fv, love, i, help V lose inches and 30 pounds siiiiispecial intentions, love, mercy, jsi si seisiiiifv, heal end the idle chatter of V mind fv, si, healings, happy unions, perfect visitationsi, happiness, joy, si, spclints, find Vs nitch, love spclintssiifv, love sptsspclints, mldns hp love spclints, sfiifv, peace & joy, calm, gnlns, love, peace of mind & body, Special Intentions, real isi moral value based sii friends family prof hlrs agent emplyr publisher community church apt car hi rtmnt ins careers bs hlth hlgs pry sts md attnys sti hrs ci inl chi mscln cutei chtci stable secure pure chaste faithful gentleman husband similar to St Jsphi fv mercies siiifv, Special Petitions, mindfulness, orgzgi sii fv, sppts, Special Intentions & Petitions, isltxntltrsidmiihdfslpmdhihpii fvi, love, si, stability security si peace, spclints, cloak V w/ the cloak of St Patrick’s breas*plate & SI, 20/20 vision, Special Intentions, happy unions, love i thanksgivings, reparation for sin, souls in purgy, curb V appetite and raise V metabolism fv, healings, help V eat 1000 calories per day burn 400 per day in exercises lose inches fat and lbs eat high protein high fiber high veggies and high fruit no refine sugar lactose free very little carbohydrates sppts fv, best daily routine for V sppts, fv, divine timing, IRS SL TX NTLTRS SI favors, love, provide for all of my needs just for today Lord and keep me from stain of sin just for today, love, ctrl tongue, spg/rtn fv, love, edkrggsutcarcmmdtgcciiut fv and gc si fv, special intentions, 10 commandments in our homes churches schools businesses government and USA sii fv, love, temporal and spiritual favors, love, peace, peace of mind, jsi, justicei, mercy, spclints and petitions, dsfrtgsintmf fv, love, special intentionsi, healing of the Catholic church and all of its members sii fv, special intentions, purity in USA and the Catholic church and its members fv, love, peace, spclints fv, ctrl tongue, faith hope clarity fv, gentleness, gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, God bless & provide for all of the poors in V community WV and USA end the poors low self worths in USA sii fv mercies siiii, mercy, joy, happiness, calm & peace in our homes USA & earth, shptrtnsinwfsiMary & St Josephs ints swap, love hope sii fv, V’s chidlrens books sttxntli fn si peace hope joy btr health & healings btr ptsn career dtg to take off fv, a new economy car great warranty and gas milage sii fv for V, love, jsi, mercies, siiifv, love, calm, mercy, sii, curb V apt rs V mtb help V lose inches lbs fat V eat high prtn high frbv frst frt frsvgt hihg vg no refn sugar very low carbs sisi fv, good luck sii , love, hope and inspiration, relief of all pain, love, special intentions, love, prosperity, spclints cpnsentfv, dvntmng dvnordr, love, spclints, love, return of faith, organze V apt dec V aptisiii vlplskipeace, jsi, siii, professional and personal favors, heal strengthen and make whole in body mind and soul V JJIi KQi DMDi SJIi RIi RTITMISFI TAi JCI CGI SIIii iiispgrtnexfv stgfv love sisifv, fvi, special intentions, control of tongue, sppts, contacts I need sii fv, sppts, krggsutfrtgc fv, sppts, love, safe travel for V JJi SJI and all in WV USA and on earth mercies and favors si, my car to be fixed always and computer internetiii fv pass inspection prty tx frtxi health insurance apt insiii hlw aaa z mfi fv mercies si, clarity, love, special intentions, love, car washes gc fv, oil change gc favors, car repairs gc favors, ed gc favors i, spclints, spclintsi, God bless V’s Spring Summer Fall Winter & holidays sp, carpoolingsii, spclints, fsii sppti fv, sppts, love, V godly si emplymnt siifv si, sei, keep V & SISIfree from all bodily mental legal demonic satanical financial health harm filled with the Prs Bld Jesus Christ 24.7.365, purity, chastity, peace, innocence, modestyii, positivityi, confidencei, spclints, si, bodily and spiritual healings for all in need of healing in WV and USA merciesi, special intentions, peace in my own familiy and all families in USA, love, spclints, overcome temptations, self control, sii, stability, security, calm, sppts, prosperity, deliverance, restoration, good news si, special intentions, pro life sii, sptns, love, joy, end the chatter of the mindi, si, calm, love, ppi, prosperity sii fv, spptsi, love, si, kindness, spclints, love, spclintsi, love, sppts, special intentions, special intentions, love, sell my silver car sii fv, si, si, cool crisp safe Godly kind modest healthy stable secure pure chaste Christian Catholic sii Spring Summer Fall in V community siiii fv, close door fast on what and who I don’t need in my own life or that’s just not the best for me and more good happy best for me people places ideas things income friends family career husband like St Joseph I need that is most pleasing to God in my own life be obvious to me sii fv, heal my memory fv, sppts, heal everyone’s memories in USA favors, healings, btr health btr pstn, sppts, best daily routine and divine timing for V siipp sptstemporal and spiritual favors, better health and healings, btpstn, love and calm, spclints, best daily routine for V sii fv, spclints, love, keep V free from all mental emotional dctfl stncl dmnc bodily acdntl lgl ih fncl career prof harm filled with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, si, financial blessings and favors, si Special Intentions, my beloved asleep in Jesus Christ relatives si souls mercies sii, stability, security, financial security and financial stability, peace, total conversions to Jesus Christ in the Catholic church in WV USA and on earth, salvation for all on earth, put mind of Christ on all on earth 365 days per year for all our lives, love, self control, spclints, my car and apartment God’s blessings and protection, spclints, spclints, love, divine timing and divine order, spclints and pts, desire of the two hearts, thank you’s, my own guardian angel STs Michael Gabriel Raphael all Cherubim Seraph Arch Powers Thrones Dominions all Holy Angels and Saints and Mary thank you for your intercessory prayers, Special Petitions, Special Intentions, Sprcial Intentions deiverance peace restoration, Special Intentions Special Intentions, love, calm, sp, love, calm, piety, sii fear of God knowledge goodness faithfulness gni si, virtues and graces I need most, love, spclints, spclints, love, spclints, peace, give V and SJ Godly relationships si fv, finances and income all needs and obligations met with ease and some left over fvrs sptsii fv, 20/20 vision back neck brn foot spnifn lg dt healings fv, love, hope, mercy, understanding, good counsel, wisdom, si, V’s childrens Christian books dating monies careers to be blessed by God and take off to good success, good success in every area of V’s life, contacts and people I need si fv, spclints, purity, purity and virtue, chastity, spptsifv, legal financial temporal sprtl career car favors mercies, love, Special Intentions, Special Intentions, Special Intentions, si, childlike, make me a child of GOD SI, innocence for V SJ and all in USA mercies, peace, love, graces and fruits of the Holy Spirit fv, si, love, prudence, fortitude, knowledge, spclints, joy, God mold V into who V is to be for GOD, spclints, frtdscpt clphni fv, mercies, love, help me to eat healthy si fv, clarity, spclints, love, hope, calm, si, 20/20 vision, heal V back brn foot fn mnst sltx dtg car lgl bkcy siii lf si fv merciesi, love, si, clearing, grounding, gentleness, peace, Special inecial intentions & Petitions special intentions, heal the chatter of V mind sii fv mercies, love, special intentions, keep the worm away from V that eats up V’s monies finances health rgodly relationships money income crsi life sii fv mercies, love, special intentions, strengthn heal make whole in body mind and soul Victoria JJIii KQi TAi DMi RTi SII SJI and all in WV and USA siii fv mercies, temporal lg bk sltxntiihdfslpdmihphirptn awdrpiiiivpiifrtclpnsiaptntiatiiii hlg hpns stbt scrt peace of mind and body car cmm cpns ent dtg divine timing siiii fv mercies, faith, hope, peace of mind and body, love, hhbii, love, heal my DAD and SJ SP and V fv mercies sii, confidence, sell 7,000 books per year sii fv, spclintsi, special intentions special intentions, wisdom, holy fearsi, fear of the Lord, si, stability, security, peace, temperance, purity, modesty, sii, love, organize V apt dec V apt strg V apt sii fv, special intentions and petitions, love, spclints, love, help me to earn money and respect for and with my godgiven skills in a godly environment and supervisor sii fv mercies, special intentions, love, splints, love, find V nitch, graces V needs most God mold V into who V is to be for Christ, healings, joy, faith, hope,pregnancy motherhood vns car hi gentleman =ykd husband like ST Joseph sii fv mercies real for V siii mrlvlbs friends fmay agent emplyrsi state gv apt community church inlws md attys publisher ins spkrsbs cmtry hlrs profs bs cmntysi fmiiiii hsbd=ykd lk St Josphiifv mercies siifv, fix V car computer sii fv, sii fv, love, calm, tranquility, siiifv, paid monies and respect for my god given skills talents siifvk kcut cords not best for V help V form healthy holy attachments plsg to Jesus and best for V sii fv, love, peace on earth, joy, happiness, love, siifv, keep V free from all physical violent bodily mental demonic financial rpn crs dtg si ill health dctfl harm filled with the prs bld Jesusi fv, sii fv, love, sii, desire of the two hearts, love, peace, si love, si bless my apt car projects plans careers health income monies finanices rep iat all times fv mercy goodness love faith hope kindness gentleness peace si vllskiii, put mind of Christ on all in WV USA and on earth fv, sii help V de clutter organize siii new frntrs storage organizing si book shelves cabinet washer/dryer si computer internet TV clphn sii V retirment fv mercies sii, V’s happy healthy peaceful kind secure stable pp practical every day pure chaste moral value based real Catholic wlpdii Christian dating careers wlpd sacramental marriage home family love, si, purity chastity sifv, put mind of Christ on V JJI SJ SII all in V community WV & USA & on earth sii 24.7.365, Svtn for all USA & WW, sptsi, mildness, meekness, si, confidence, peace, spclintsifv, heal V memory and all peoples memories in WV USA and on earth favors siiii fv, conversions, one man one woman sacramental Catholic marriage in WV USA and on earth fv mercies, si, Special Intentions, spclintsii, special intentions & 72 degrees & peace in Vs cmty yrrnd burn out ending all Stns pomps & works evlspts neg evil ints hoG violence greed gossip meanspts ngi revenge skg false idols storms cancer adctns na snsofflsh mugging dstrctvns dstcn si vandelism pride impurity coveting envy jls stgsx&flptsi si evlintigdlsn na wlns dpi macho crs hxs pulling the rug out sii discords opprsg the poors anger actsw of fury wild wtchcrt abtn euthenasia lust roving eyesi disasters dope godlessness hmls in need poverty rrdg undrmg emotional abuse immaturity childishness pride huffiness swearing htgsi fci vlswi impurity paganism sowing wild oatsi si Vlswi gltny I greed false idols dense spirits of destructions darkness worldliness homelessness si secular sptsi evlintsi revenge seeking sii sowing wild oatsii pretnsns disasters snow storms ice storms extreme heat and humidity fires crisis tragedies prngphy indecentcyi hatred of God despair gad hedonism tornadoes black ice lightening thunder violent storms all forms of violence fornication carousing hedonism gambling godlessness sleeplessness gad sad ax pd infections sickness colds/flu asthma/allergies despair thieves of hopes fci siii worldliness prngy prstn allergies asthma toxins heart attacks strokes cancer lnlnsii flsprnflpnii negativity tepidnesssi wrath avarice malice greed obnicity in sinsi indifference ingratitude presumptionsi despairsi sodomysi insct to the wage earnersi spclints, si, greed, childishness, immaturityi, emotional abuse, si, dprsn, bp, sppts mri si fci effeminacy taking advantage of the poorsi lsei melancholy cold/flu sz si impurity dpn pranks gdlsns btrns paehsii si swg wild oatsi ice/snow silightening I hvy & frzg rn black ice si drnks drkdrg tension si thieves of hope si meanness si insolence indifference ingratitude jzblsi ldgoni splints iii dns sifv, plsrdtg/plsrmrg mntlilns siii lsei anger bickering sof sabotage rrdg scdi I poverty secular wmbs macho na wldns stnsm one upping bltg si floods every storms sp paganism sins sbth splints personnapping spts spells bwtcmt si mean jokes flns frsi floodsi brkini fighting dmscabsi arguing infestations sickness bickering mugging vandalism ancestoral crs si grudge si ssa CthcPrsn mri fci collisions spclnts doai cold/flu al/asma gdlns poverty randy instability promiscuity promiscuous outfits ego eimisibiha demons thieves of hope plotting evilsii negativity violences mrii ax sii grave sin gangs thieves of hope bitterness grudges si greed fornication liecentiousness hedonism gltny deadly sins siii hardshipsii violent storms hurricanes blygsiiii wildness thrillseekings sii echos murmerings gossip rumors planksii cruelty arsons shootings suicides depressions despair willful murder of body and soul ignorance of Christ heresyii emotional abuse imtrtysi swearing childishnessi moral relativicismsi hurting the poorsi fci grudges sii negativity negative or evil intentionsii slytlki hnpkgsi plotting evilsi abortion murder sichldnsisiiiii vlsw nervous/mental/emotional disorders hatred of God wmbs special intentions muggings spclints pulling rug out accidents si bitterness flirting worldliness paganism pride impurity spcls ssa spclints chldnsi mrii ego imtrtyi bickering adultery affairs emotional abuse immaturity childishness fciiii gltnyi vlswi rivalries dprsn hyper gad sad si arrogance wildness ego si hmlsns frs flds I hitting carjacking prsnnpg negativity evil intentionsii thieves of hopes provocativeness promiscuity sii dementia tension lli despair si tension competition rivalries oppressing the poorsi pranks suffering of the oppressedsi sins on the sabbath si wlvsi taking advantage of the poorsi si wanting to get someones secular scientificism unversalism si disasters I idestruction frsi brkn wldns na iiibearing false witness vain glory splt plyby/plygrl mntltyliving spp sins of the flesh carnality greed secular tension muscle tension worldliness godlessness si shootings stabbings si superiority complex no moral compassi gangs sppts ldgon leading astray si wmbs deadly sin poverty cptn prctni rlvrsii opprsg poors curses hexes ancestoral curses blindness eimisibipiha in need addictions hatred of God depression dementia collisions rape pmr abortion culture of death asistend suicide depression hyper anger rrdg undermining wanting to GET hurt somones opprsg the poors gossip swearing rnki relativism disasters storms ice/snow/allergies asthma si evil intentionsi Vlswi ego negativity sii thrillseeking spptsidrugs violence guns/weapons despair flhpflsprncprncsi false idols envy jealousy sins of the flesh scantily clad women and men macho jzblsi ssa ssm relativisms leading astray ll si fci hexes curses ancestoral curses sii promiscuity one upping mean spireitedness prygi drunk driving pretentiousi murmmering goading personnapping se*trafficking prostitution lswii mocking blygi Christian Catholic persecutionsi bp anxiety blygi macho si hmwrkrs secular lsei gltnyi sugar and carb addictions drunkenness hschnsi ha trblmkgi se*pots/fleshpots disasters destruction melancholy ax bp mri fci si rp drgs spw es crs hxs heresy si cmptn dprsn alcoholicism un4gvnsii pranks childishness revenge seeking greed si culture of death si mpcii familiarty btwn se*esii ax bp sii all various storms Red Dragon grudges unrepentance si coveting si ill will Anti Christ bewitchment spells false idols sins on the sabbath envy jealousy lust paesi sii, bslphmyi heresyi indifference carnality sins of the flesh insolence high heat humidity si sii chaos si atheism universalism scientificismsi quarrels si Cthc prsctn grudges rrdg undermining sbtgs prtg mrmrg dpi back biting sxl rvltn sii impurity ptsd scl axty sii addictions brg glswtnsii one upping stabbings violence si curses gvg flststmyi covetting plsrskgi eimisibipiha si doai Catholic persecutionsii poverty indifference ingratitude si chpns sii ego siiii in V community state of WV USA wwi V fmly frds SJIII iifor honor of Infant of Prague Holy Face of Jesus and Jesus King of all Nations Our Lady of Sorrows Immaculate Virgin Mary Our Father, etc Hail Mary, etc Glory be, etc. Sptcis
Pres Bld Jesus, Infant of Prague, Jesus Eucharistic Lord, Jesus Dvn Physician, Holy Spirit, all Guardian Seraph Cherubim & Arch Angels, & Holy Face Jesus JKAN, OLS OLGC OLGS OLGR OLMM OLMC OLF OLV, Sts Pio Anthony Expedite Ann Joseph Cthn Alxdra Jude Rita Paul Bosco Christopher MG TA Joan of Arc Dymphna Benedict Francis Assisi Lucy Scholastica Clare please adopt V as your spiritual child pray for V & all of V’s intentions; bless protect provide guide heal replenish sanctify godly improve in abundance Victoria all of V’s income prosperity Special Intentions Special Petitions Special Intentions EMBSPH hlgs Special Intentions Special Intentions Special Intentions mercy jsi God mold V into who V is to be for God graces V needs most find V’s nitch prosperity peace love childrens books sltxntlrsirsi, Special Intentions & petitions, good fortune, safe travel for V & all in USA, good luck btr health btr pstn overcome tptns favors, put the mind of Christ on V SI JJI and all in USA & on earth, self control, reparation for V sins & sin,, peace on earth, real sii chstni moral value based sii dates for V of museum trips dinner dates walks zoo mass festivals sphg pts clmbs msms cvrns dnr dtsiiii flfstvls bkrdiii spgiimvsii cvn sispgihpns pcns si sichstmsiiiiii chsttr pdlbts sii lnsh daters sii dtvcn sii fvifv sii mrcsii special intentions & petitions, strengthen heal make whole in body mind & soul V JJi DJi RTi KQi DMDii TAi SJI & all in USAii, keep V free from all bodily mental emotional mental stncl dmnc dctfl financial brp careers dtg harm filled with the Prs Bld Jesus Christ, God bless V’s income monies & finances all needs sii & obligations met w/ left over sii in abdc stability, security, special intentios, love, special intentions, thanksgivings, spclints, love, si, prosperity, calm, wisdom, understanding, clarity, level hdns, spclints, God bless Vs car fix Vs car affordably cmm gskrgrutgcii agent childrens books careers all V’s ministry’s fulfilled peace healings better ptsn better health love dating lgl bkcy sltxntlsi apt finances income dmihdfslphlwi dvn tmng dvn order sptcls edi hrmny get paid money & respect for my god given skills prkvlpstiii EMBSPH hlgs love si rtmt ent si tmprl lgli prsnl prof frt clphn cmptr fvrs mercies sii, 20/20 vision, healings, husband like ST Joseph for Victoria, love, mercy, peace, provide for my needs Lord just for today, keep me from stain of sin just for today, spclints, love spclints, conversions mercy, love, ctl of tng EMBSPH healings for V JJi SIii & all in WV & USA intss mercies, love, spclintsiiiiiiiiifv, gentleness, love, put on V full armor of God, calm, careers, sprtl clarity peace of mind and body, agent, publisher, healings, joy, hope, faith, love, V’s wrtn pts & dly ofrg pry mnsty bag DM HSS 13 SU OSST Vprytl Adtn cndl pts siii fv, dating & temporal fv, godly pure chaste mscln cute classy igntlm faithful husband lkstJii for Victoria bring us together on the wings of Gods Holy Angels quickly favors/mercies siii, intentions, stability, security, prosperity, gentleness, tranquility, calm bkcy car cmm apt finances lgl rtrmnt hdfslpdmhlwmowhphicigslgliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiisi favors mercies, godly employmentsii special intentions favors mercies, love, God bless the poors in WV & USA& end the poorsii in WV & USA low self worth, crisp temps 67 with peace calm & no storms in V community year round mercies, peace chastity purity modesty kindness love calm stability security better health & healings in our homes, USA & on earth; end all worldlines paganism pride impurity storms greed coveting adultery lust taking advantage of the poors macho emotional abuse immodesty insolence indifference mugging gdlsn wkdns sii envy jlsy ingratitude arguing violence collisions cancer heart attacks strokes alhxs bwtcmt worldliness violence thieves of hope sii ddly sn mpci addictions lust gossip gltny ovrtgvrspgi bitterness vlsw sii bitterness dmsn ssa ssm sdmy pmr sii greed false idols anti Christ wmbs abortion malice anger dspair wmbs sii wpns vandalism allergies bp ax sz confusion rrdg undermining opprsg the poors roving eye sins of the flesh negativity swearing false idols addictions Stns pomps & works evl spirits meanspiritedness emotional abuse ax emotional/nervous/mental disorders dementia heart disease, simortal sin si i chlsnsi imtrty hnpkgi si plotting evil ssa ssm pmr rp secular revenge seeking curses hmls in need poverty in V community, WV, & USA mercies spits special intentions.
Precious Blood Jesus, All Angels, all Guardian & Arch Angels, JKAN, SHJ IHM, Our Lady Sorrows INft Prg, Jesus Eucharistic Lord, Jesus Dvn Physician STs Pio Anthony Expedite Joseph Ann Chtn Alxdra Chrpr John Bptst Martha Mckl Gbrl Rphl Jude Rita Paul Bndct Thrs Lsx Faustina Lucy Frns Assisi Clr Isdre(s) Bsco OMPH OLGS OLGC OLGR OLF OLMC OLMM & HFJ pls adopt V as your spiritual chld pray for V and all of V’s intentions prtz bless protect provide guide heal replenish sanctify godly improve in abundance Victoria all of V’s income prosperity Special Intentions Special Petitions Special Intentions EMBSPH hlgs Special Intentions Special Intentions Special Intentions mercy jsi God mold V into who V is to be for God graces V needs most find V’s nitch prosperity peace love childrens books careers finances moniesi sltxntlrsirsi, Special Intentions & petitions, special intentions, good fortune, safe travel for V & all in USA, good luck btr health btr pstn overcome tptns favors, put the mind of Christ on V SI JJI and all in USA & on earth, self control, provide for my needs Lord just for today, keep me from stain of sin just for today, mercy, love, control of tongue, EMBSPH healings for V JJi SIii & all in WV & USA mercies, spclintsi, slfctrl, ovcmtmts siiiifv mercies, put on V full armor of God, calm, careers, sprtl clarity peace of mind and body, agent, publisher, healings, joy, hope, faith, love, V’s wrtn pts & dly ofrg pry mnsty bag DM HSS 13 MH OMPH CAMM AMM prycrcl SU OSST Vprytl Adtn cndl pts siii fv, dating & temporal fv, godly pure chaste mscln cute classy igntlm faithful husband lkstJii for Victoria bring us together on the wings of Gods Holy Angels quickly favors/mercies siii, intentions, special intentions and petitionsi stability, security, calm, love, prosperity, gentleness, tranquility, calm bkcy car cmm apt finances lgl rtrmnt hdfslpdmhlwmowhphicigslgliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiisi favors mercies, love, calm, godly employmentsii special intentions favors mercies, love, God bless the poors in WV & USA& end the poorsii in WV & USA low self worth, crisp temps 67 with peace calm & no storms in V community year round mercies, peace chastity purity modesty kindness love calm stability security better health & healings in our homes, USA & on earth; end all worldlines paganism pride impurity storms greed chatter of the mind tension coveting adultery lust taking advantage of the poors macho emotional abuse immodesty insolence indifference mugging ingratitude arguing violence collisions cancer heart attacks strokes meanspiritedness revenge seeking curses homelessness in need poverty siiiin V community, WV, & VFMFSIIIIII USA mercies special intentions.
Precious Blood Jesus, All Angels, all Guardian & Arch Angels, OLS SHJ IHM JKAN Jesus Divine Physician Jesus Eucharistic Lord Sts Pio Anthony Ann Expedite Christopher Jude Dymphna Michael Gabriel Raphael Martha Rita Faustina & HFJ bless protect provide guide heal replenish replace prioritize sanctify godly improve in abundance Victoria all of V’s income prosperity Special Intentions Special Petitions Special Intentions EMBSPH hlgs Special Intentions Special Intentions Special Intentions mercy jsi God mold V into who V is to be for God graces V needs most find V’s nitch prosperity peace love childrens books careers finances moniesi sltxntlrsirsi, Special Intentions & petitions, good fortune, safe travel for V & all in USA, good luck btr health btr pstn overcome tptns favors, put the mind of Christ on V SI JJI and all in USA & on earth, self control, provide for my needs Lord just for today, keep me from stain of sin just for today, mercy, love, control of tongue, EMBSPH healings for V JJi SIii & all in WV & USA mercies, put on V full armor of God, calm, careers, sprtl clarity peace of mind and body, agent, publisher, healings, joy, hope, faith, love, V’s wrtn pts & dly ofrg pry mnsty bag DM HSS 13 MH SU OSST Vprytl Adtn cndl pts siii fv, dating & temporal fv, godly pure chaste mscln cute classy igntlm faithful husband lkstJii for Victoria bring us together on the wings of Gods Holy Angels quickly favors/mercies siii, intentions, special intentions and petitionsi stability, security, calm, love, prosperity, gentleness, tranquility, calm bkcy car cmm apt finances lgl rtrmnt hdfslpdmhlwmowhphicigslgliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiisi favors mercies, get my future gentlman husband like ST Joseph to ask me out siiiiifv, thank yous, love, joy, peace, calm, healings, happines, siii, love, love, siii, sisiiigodly employmentsii special intentions favors mercies, love, God bless the poors in WV & USA& end the poorsii in WV & USA low self worth, crisp temps 67 with peace calm low humidity & no storms in V community year round mercies, a grateful heart for V, si, special intentions and petitions, love, mercy, peace chastity purity modesty wshr/dryer combo siii 20/20 vsn 3 book cases love seat orgz strg for V apt and lf sii shvg dcti in what I like sii teach me how and how I am to live and be mold me Jesus into who and what I ma to be for Jesus Christ V spg/rtn exsiiifv mercies sfiawcrbclalnwviii fv mercies sikindness love calm stability security better health & healings in our homes, USA & on earth; end all worldlines paganism pride impurity storms greed chatter of the mind tension coveting adultery lust taking advantage of the poors macho emotional abuse immodesty si deadly sin despair insolence indifference shwnsi mtrlsmii snow storms/freezing rain ice blk ice collisions extreme heat & high humidity acdntsi insolence indifference chaos rdg undrmng plsrmrg/plsrdtg/crcldtg paehsi opprsg poorsi srg opprsdsi hmwrkgi sins of the flesh carnality greed avarice malice coveting false idols rvg eye no moral compassii disasters sii macho jzblsprts ssa ssm abortion culture of death satans pomps and works and evil spirits gad sa siingratitude mugging ingratitude arguing violence collisions cancer heart attacks strokes meanspiritedness revenge seeking curses homelessness in need poverty special intentionsiiiin V community, WV, & SJIIIIIIUSA mercies special intentions. For honor of Infant of Prague and Holy Face of Jesus. Hail Mary, etc. Glory be, etc. spptis
Precious Blood Jesus, All Angels, Our Lady Sorrows, JKAN, SHJ IHM, OMPH OLL OLGR OLGS OLV OLF OLMM OLMC Infant of Prague Jesus Eucharistic Lord Jesus Dvn Physician Sts Pio Anthony Expedite Ann Joseph Christopher Jude Rita Dymphna Martha deMontfort dominic Michael Gabriel Raphael Benedict Francis of Assisi Clare Lucy Tkkna Bishop Schmitt souls in purgatory all holy men and women in heaven and on earth all saints in heaven Arch Bishop Fulton Sheen Mother Angelica my deceased family in purgatorys Isidore(s) Paul Bosco Cthn Alxdra Faustina Mthw Basil More TL MG TA all Guardian Seraph Cherubim thrones Principalities Virtues Dominions & Arch Angels, & Holy Face Jesus bless protect provide guide heal replenish sanctify godly improve in abundance Victoria: all of V’s incomes prosperity Special Intentions Special Petitions Special Intentions and petitionsi, iii prosperity V nwfrtriiEMBSPH hlgs Special Intentions & petitions,Special Intentions Special Intentions mercy jsi God mold V into who V is to be for God, graces V needs most,find V’s nitch prosperity peace love childrens books careers finances moniesi lgillgsisltxntlrsirsiiiiiiii, Special Intentions & petitions, good fortune, safe travel for V & USA, good luck btr health btr pstn overcome tptns fv, put the mind of Christ on V SI JJI & all in USA & earth, love, safe travel for V JJii SJi and all in WV USA and on earth mercies, love, joy, hope, faith, gentleness, sii, help V to forgive and trust Jesus mercies, love, special intentions, help V JJIIIii SJ fulfill all ministries for God, keep V free from all mental emotional stncl dmnc violent fncl lgl bodily sk rrdg dctfl mny career rep harm filled with the Prs Bld Jesus Christ, spcli help V dnze orgzz strg si, Jesus form V into who V is to be for Jesus Christ, sell 7000 of V’s childrens Christian books per year fv mercies, love, souls in purgatory, reparation for V sin and sin in the world, Mary and St Josephs intentions swapss, desire of the two heartsi, love, hlwhivrthpiiiiiiiiiiiiicrplgiiiiiiiiiaaazhdfslpdmmowawfrtdshaptcarrepsltdlglatatfbkcymdprfprsnlagtpblssprlslvtbtrhlthhlgsvpdrpiidrpcpiiicmptrclphnsisiedinwfwdiiiiifv mercies si, hhbi, love, strengthen heal make whole in body mind and soul V and SJ fv mercies sii fv, clarity, understanding, si, love, siiiiifv, 20/20 vision for V JJ i and all surgery fees if needs and surgery blessed and provided sifv, love, joy, self control, provide for my needs Lord just for today, keep me from stain of sin just for today, help with a difficult decision, relief from pain, assistance with financial difficulties, well being in body & spirit, hope & inspiration, freedom from anxiety depression pi, a greatful heart empluii favors, special intentions, mercy, love, control of tongue, EMBSPH healings for V JJi SIii & WV & USA mercies, put on V full armor of God, calm, careers, innocence back 4 V SI & all in USA 24/7, sprtl clarity peace of mind & body, agent, publisher, healings, joy, hope, faith, love, V’s wrtn pts & dly ofrg pry mnsty bag DM HSS 13 OMPH CAMM SU OSST Vprytl Adtn cndl pts siii fv, dating & temporal fv, godly pure chaste mscln cute classy igntlm faithful husband lkstJii for Victoria bring us together on the wings of Gods Holy Angels quickly fv/mercies siii, intentions, special intentions and petitionsi stability, security, calm, love, prosperity, gentleness, tranquility, calm bkcy car cmm apt finances lgl rtrmnt iiifavors mercies, godly employmentsii special intentions favors mercies, love, God bless the poors in WV & USA& end the poorsii in WV & USA low self worth, crisp 65 degrees low humidity and peace in V cmnty year rnd mercies, peace chastity purity modesty kindness love calm stability security better health & healings for V, USA & on earth; end all worldlines paganism pride impurity storms greed chatter of the mind tension coveting adultery lust taking advantage of poors macho cruelty greeds emotional abuse immodesty insolence indifference jzbls sins of the flesh ego scientificism universalism rrdg undermining sbtgs leading astray wmbs abortion euthanasia collisions ptsds bp ax sz eimisibisiha greed opprsg the poors sfrgs of the opprsds si homelsns in needs anger violence weapons drnkns drugs wkdns coveting vainglory envy jealousy sii plsrdrg/plsrmrg plsrski hmwrkrs dprsn melancholy chtr of the mind imtrysii chldnsii coveting false idols thieves of hope murder stgsi deadly sins fornications liecentiousness hnpkgsi blygsi fci arrogance meanspiritedness cruelty darkness evil spirits negativity addictions oneupping gossip ylg prtyg si Catholic persecutions thieves of hopes addictions gangs mri fci rape ssa ssm ice/snow blk ice thunder lightening stns pmps works ii swrg prghy prmscty prmscdrgs & bhvr imtryi chlsdnsi clwnhsevl sprts dmns hexes spells secular ancstrl crs si extra mrtl afrs si gdlsn prgphy collisionsextreme heat mugging anti Christ red dragon godlessness fcii wkdnsi drkns si unequally yoked Cthlc marriagesi ylg prtygii in needsi deadly sinsi ngtys evil intentionsi bp si trblmkrsii ingratitude blygsi arguing violence collisions cancer heart attacks strokes meanspirit revenge seeking curses poverty siii in V community, WV, & USA siiiiiiion earth simercies special intentions. For honor Infant Prague & Holy Face Jesus Hail Mary, etc Glory be, etc. si