Fr. Mark Brummel’s Legacy of Hope
"Together we can make a difference"
This quote is among the meaningful words of wisdom that Claretian Fr. Mark Brummel, longtime director of the St. Jude League, shared on the momentous occasion of his retirement. As he is affectionately known to his international flock of devotees, parishioners, and communities, “Fr. Mark” takes this moment in his life as an opportunity to inspire others, as he has been inspired.
Fr. Mark entered St. Jude seminary as a young man influenced by the good work of his brother, Tom, who led the way joining the Claretians two years prior. He was also influenced by the strong family draw to religious life among several of his relatives who were priests and religious. Since his ordination in 1960, the heart of the Claretian mission—service to others—has been expressed in Fr. Mark’s lifelong servant-leadership in his many impactful roles. “I have become a member of a community with a rich tradition of spirituality and mission,” he says.
The Claretian missionary community reaches all parts of the world, striving to build community among migrants, with the poor and oppressed, in health care and housing, in the environment and always with a concern for justice, equality, compassion and forgiveness. “As missionaries, the Claretians see it as our mission to reach out to the needs of the poor and work with others as best we can,” he says. In his work with St. Jude devotion spanning decades, he believes “in many ways, the St. Jude League has over the years enabled the Claretians to be present and active in meeting these concerns.”
“We continue to learn from one another that we share a common mission inspired by the life of St. Anthony Claret and dedicated members,” he says. “Together we can make a difference and be fully engaged in the work of the Church and the world around us.”
Grateful to serve
A grateful heart is a magnet for blessings. A spirit of gratitude is the foundation that supports all that Fr. Mark has given in service and accomplished in mission. “I am so grateful that as a Claretian I have been able to serve the Church and the Claretians in a variety of ways,” he says. In his early ministry, Fr. Mark was a teacher and librarian at the St. Jude Seminary. When the seminary closed nine years into his work there in 1970, Fr. Mark became director of both the St. Jude League and the National Shrine of St. Jude, along with Claretian Publications. He remained the director of St. Jude devotion for 51 years.
The leadership roles he took on included within the Claretian congregation itself, as a member of the governing Provincial Council for 40 years and as Treasurer of the Claretians for 20 years. Service on several Claretian boards and committees over the years included with the Chicago Family Health Center, Claretian Associates and Claret Center as well as with other nonprofit boards. “I felt greatly supported in all these ministries by the Claretians,” he says, “as well as by the many lay and religious who shared in these ministries with me.”
Moving forward with hope
The remarkable amount and level of service Fr. Mark’s career encompasses means that he has surmounted all kinds of challenges in tandem with the successes of the mission work. There have been challenges of the heart, no doubt, encountering those in need, physically and spiritually. But while walking with people at perhaps their lowest points in life, Fr. Mark is continually inspired by their faith. “The letters, the prayers, the petitions to St. Jude and those who attend the novenas and visit the Shrine in hope—are responses to God’s call,” he says.
“The world I grew up in after World War II seemed to have more certainties in church matters and social life,” says Fr. Mark. “But then Vatican II came along and all the turmoil in the ‘60s driven by racial and other concerns like the war in Vietnam. Today, we face still other issues.
“The challenges over the years may differ, but what matters is that we dare to address them,” he says. “We move forward in hope, and we trust God will bless our efforts.”
A Legacy of Hope
Fr. Mark is far from done, despite his retirement status. He continues to stay in touch with several boards and committees, attending via Zoom. “I will be participating in the liturgy here,” he says, referring to the Claretian retirement community of San Dominguez in California, where he now lives. “I have begun reading some challenging books, and I intend to keep aware of the world around me.
“I want to continue to be active in prayer and continue to discern what I can do in the rest of my life,” he says.
Fr. Mark will also remain active in spirit through the newly created Legacy of Hope Fund. The fund honors Fr. Mark and enables the continuation of his outreach. The three Claretian ministries the fund will support are those nearest and dearest to Fr. Mark:
• Villa Guadalupe Senior Community: This ministry has, in true Claretian fashion, been present “where the need is greatest.” Villa Guadalupe serves as a model of excellence in senior living, providing a comprehensive array of life-enhancing services to South Chicago seniors. This includes quality apartments, bilingual social and health services, and other enriching activities—all at an affordable cost.
• Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLG) School: This Catholic grade school is a part of the Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, which in turn is a part of the National Shrine of St. Jude. A pillar of the Claretian mission is Catholic education, raising each new generation as disciples of Christ. With Hispanic heritage and Catholic tradition as its foundation, OLG has flourished with Fr. Mark’s legacy of leadership in helping to form students who are educated to become the Christian and civic leaders of the future.
• National Shrine of St. Jude: The Shrine is the epicenter of the national devotion to St. Jude. Fr. Mark created the spiritual inspiration for countless letters written to encourage the faithful, who in turn send their own petitions for hope and healing for prayer every day. “The devotion to St. Jude truly has a universal appeal,” says Fr. Mark.