IMG 7473

The Feast of St. Jude Prayer Banner

St. Jude, the Patron Saint of Hope and impossible causes, was one of Jesus’ original twelve Apostles and preached the Gospel with great passion, often in difficult circumstances.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, St. Jude made profound differences in people’s lives by offering them the Word of God and died a martyr’s death for his unwavering faith. St. Jude’s Feast Day is celebrated on October 28th.

Each year on the Feast of St. Jude, devotees all over the world join together to celebrate the blessings, inspirations, and hope they receive from St. Jude. At the National Shrine of St. Jude, it is our tradition to celebrate the Feast of St. Jude by creating a large St. Jude Prayer Banner that combines all of our thanksgivings and petitions for St. Jude.

When you send your petition, we add a piece of cloth to the banner that represents the prayers and petitions of all the National Shrine of St. Jude devotees. The St. Jude Prayer Banner serves as a testament of hope, uniting all of our hearts, minds, and prayers in devotion to St. Jude.

The banner will be on display during the Solemn Novena to St. Jude, October 20th—28th, ending with the Feast of St. Jude. In order to be included in this special shared prayer to St. Jude, please send your petitions by Wednesday, September 25th.