
Blessed St Jude please cure my husband who has been diagnosed with Cancer ..please stop the spread of cancer at once.lord..The MRI not satisfactory so another whole body bone scan is to be done to check if cancer spread to the tail bone .
Please let all be clear and No Spread of cancer please lord..
Please let my husband be able to move his right hand and regain full control after his accident.
let his cancer scans be accurate lord
Please protect us both from coronavirus.and all other health problems when we are going out in public transport for medical treatment physiotherapy for his right hand.
please give us both the mental and physical strength to bear everything given to us.
Please bless us and protect us lord in these very very troubled times .
Please let the ex girl friend of my husband stop communicating love notes in these painful times to him which he does not want to respond.
please let that horrible woman stop this horror show.
Thank you my dear St Jude for all the favours blessings to me. amen