Dear St Jude please intercede to Jesus Christ our lord and saviour to protect me and my 74 yr old husband from getting infected by corona virus. Our roof was leeking and the roofer came to repair and he opened up the door to him and forgot all about his self isolation of 4 months now, and number of illness he is suffering from-and my safety who is also suffering from shortness of breath and has high blood pressure .
Now my husband was not wearing a mask and in close proximity exchanging tools with the roof repair man for sometime – inspite of my plea to be careful he compeletly ignored me and was short with me – I feel terrible dear lord to be treated like this – and cannot forgive him for exposing us both to this threat –
I feel very low and in fear for 14 days from now – i dont know what to do – please show me a way to calm myself and to bring peace – to my home -please dont let anything go wrong -we are happy with whatever we have -please let it continue like that and no harm should come to us dear lord please –
Always grateful to you for all your favours to me and my family – I pray for all in the cirlcle let their prayers be heard -thank you –