Debbie Baldassini

Oh Blessed St Jude thank you for everything you do for my family and me! We really appreciate all that you do for us! Please continue to look over and heal my mother Diane Giuliano! Please wrap your healing hands on her and heal her! Please continue to let her hemoglobin rise! Please let her get rid of her anemia! Please let her arms and legs get better from all the IV’s! Please let her surgery go well in November! Please let her bleeding be gone and not come back! Please let her be happy, healthy and prosperous! Please continue to look over and heal my husband Scott Baldassini! Please wrap your healing hands on him and heal his body and mind! Please remove all the kidney stones from his body and make the disappear forever! Please let him get his hours at work so we can pay the bills! Please let him feel well! Please keep him happy, healthy and prosperous! Please continue to look over and heal my fur babies especially Shadow! Please keep them happy and healthy! Please continue to look over and heal all my family, friends and people in this world! Please let them all be happy, healthy and prosperous! Please continue to look over and heal me! Please wrap your healing hands on me and heal my body and mind! Please give me strength and endurance to help my mom! Please heal all my aches and pains especially my leg! Please let work be happy with my performance! Please let next year’s bonus be better than this year’s! Please give me courage to face tomorrow as it is one year since Jackpots death! Please look over Jackpot and Xena! Tell them I love and miss them! Please let me be happy, healthy and prosperous!