Thank you for this opportunity to share w/ others our blessings & challenges. This helps me know that St. Jude is & always will be a caring/powerful patron. Also that I am not alone when it comes to fearing the outcome of unjust situations.
1. I ask for prayers for a young man I have been helping for the last eleven years, who comes from an abusive/uncaring family. He is incarcerated for burglary-his first criminal offence. Please pray that he will accept responsibility for the choices he has made & that the first person Jesus blessed-sending him to Heaven-was a thief on the Cross next to him. That he may come to understand that he has been forgiven because he is loved by God & his son Jesus Christ. But that loves demands a wholehearted effort to accept responsibility for wrongdoing & striving to learn how to live a life the Lord wants him to live.
2. Please help me w/ plans to move my 91 year old mother to a place where she will be cared for properly & be surrounded by old friends & family in Central America.
3. Please help me deal w/ the terrible fear I have about not being able to find a good place for my mom to be cared for in her old age. As well as the terrible fear I have due to retaliation by superiors on my job for drawing attention to wrong doing. I am terrified of losing my job because I stumbled on inappropriate activity of physicians in the organization where I work. I have done nothing more than what my job demands & am being retaliated against for doing so.
4. Thank you for all the wonderful children in my life-nephews, nieces, children of friends. Continue to watch over them, guide them, provide for them what they need to lead lives that bring help, caring, & hope to others.