Roger Pratt was healed of lung cancer and prostate cancer, now he needs to be healed of bone cancer. He is very nice husband, father, friend , musician. He plays guitars and sings. Has nice happy close loving family. nice wife Lucy. One of his son plays keyboard very well in church and sings. One son sings and plays guitar. They are all very nice to me every time they ever see me. He gave me a copy of his music and singing on cd’s.
Carol who will be having breast surgery for cancer. norm metivier Hope he got healed of prostate cancer.
Celeste got healed of cancer has a real nice husband and close family. All very nice to me Claire 81. Please pray for healing for me to keep head up. Head is down when I walk looking at my steps. Have rheumatoid no pain. Want to believe in healing. Get RA nodules off my right arm and fingers and hands. Two index fingers do not bend as they should, 2 index fingers keep pointing. One of God’s promise “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you received it and you shall receive it. Msgr. Father Roland Tancred deceased told me to say “:Thank God for everything He ever gave me everything he will ever give me. Thank you for reading and for praying. St. jude pray for us. St. Gertrude for Trump find all the needles in the haystack. I say prayer for souls in purgatory God told St. G. to say for Trump to find all truth about voter fraud and make it so clear we cannot mistake it. God bless and protect Trump his family all Christians and Republicans. Help him stay President in January with no violence from those who hate him so much. Thank you Jesus Mary, Joseph, St. Jude all the saints and angels. St. Michael all angels go help Trump with all evil with the voter fraud.