
Dear loving Christians,
I am a victim of the opioid epidemic. My mother and father unfortunately were also addicts. I had dreams when I was little but they were shattered by molestation drug abuse and basically abandonment. My mother she stopped doing drugs but my father was murdered in a bar when I was 10. My mother went to prison when I was approximately 15 shortly after that I ended up in a reform school and The stepfather I had ended up in federal prison. Well he murdered his self in federal prison while I was in State School for girls and mother was in the State penitentiary. So there’s two broken hearts because I really cared about him and my father already was dead at 10 so he was my next best step. My mother loved you dearly and it broke her heart she was locked up behind bars when he died. I was locked up behind bars when he died. We never seen him again and we never knew the real story. One good thing out of it my mother was shocked into almost being sober. She came out of prison and my grandmother couldn’t control me so she married me off to my boyfriend which was the best thing she could have done or I would have ended up pregnant and everything else. My grandmother was the only one in my family that did not do drugs or alcohol. She was our Rock when she died in 2000 the family fell apart. It was hanging on by a string anyway we’ve lost people to AIDS to alcohol to drug overdoses to murders my whole family is dead now it’s just me and my children. They do not care for me they will not talk to me I am 67 years old and they won’t even call me. I raised my children a lot different I’m not saying I raise them perfect but I never gave him a babysitter I always made sure they had everything even if I had to steal it and they were never without food or a good home or a good community foundation where they were members of softball cheerleading all the things they needed. The only thing is I’m married a very messed up man as he was a good father but he had mental problems and I did not know that until as he got older they started showing. I will give you an example he got mad at my children for not cleaning the cat box and he threw their baby cats up against the wall and killed them. In front of them and me and it broke me. So ever since that happened to me I tried to pay him back in some way subconsciously. Which was more self-destructive than anything else it was me disappearing doing drugs drinking things like that but I always left my children in the care of him when I would go and do these things because he had pretty much quit doing drugs but see he was still crazy. He never would hurt my children and I had a baby of his by then. As we got older and the children were growing up he started treating them more like they were his friends than his kids. We were divorced I went to jail over some stuff that he was involved in and he divorced me while I was in jail. So I have not had an easy life that’s just part of it but what I’m saying is I have nobody or nothing but my Lord Jesus. That’s all we ever have anyways. But I pray and I pray and every time I pray my Lord answers my prayers. He has took me out of some of the darkest moments of childhood and the darkest moments like what I almost got murdered the good Lord put a hedge of heavenly Angels around me I seen it the person couldn’t kill me he tried his hardest he could not kill me. He beat me in the head with a crystal apple and I was with my back turn and busted my head in but I turned around and I seen this like a garden arch just come over me like it was circle just a garden Archer a wedding arch I don’t know what you would call it but this is my testimony it actually came over me he was not able to kill me and he got me one more time in the face but he couldn’t kill me and when he told me fill this b i t c h I’m sorry about that but that’s what he said you’re dying and blood was rushing down my face when I turned around I looked at him and I said not today I’m not and I promise I said that because I felt the power of God God would not let him kill me I have children. I refuse to believe his demonicness I went ahead with my God my God saved me I never went to the hospital he was a wanted man and I was afraid to come back and kill me again. So I’ve been through a lot but now that I’m older all these beatings from these men that I was married to all these broken jaws all these knee replacements my back all these things I’m going through. I am in pain 100% of the time right now I have got what’s called a frozen glute muscle and it’s got a pinched nerve in my leg my back is shattered my neck is shattered I don’t know what to do. I am asking for St Jude to pray for a miracle to heal my mind body and soul of the pain that I’ve went through my life and now I don’t think I can live through much more pain in the doctors do not help. At 67 years old I am still a victim of the opiate epidemic and I am because the doctors prescribe these opiates of course I was a drug addict prior to but not the kind that was not needing pain medication I was needing pain medication I wasn’t shooting drugs I was taking medication for pain that was prescribed. Well that’s all through the sackler family and I’m in a lawsuit against them for this. But that’s here nor there all I’m saying is there’s people out there trying to get others addicted so they will die every friend just about I’ve ever had is dead from drugs I have nobody nobody I’m trying to get a Christian group or somebody to come talk to me and I can’t find nobody in my area that will come to your home and just worship with you I am at home health care I don’t have nobody to come talk to me about God I need Christian worship so this is my way. Even though my family was not religious they always loved Saint Jude they knew he was the saint of hopeless cases and my family thought they were hopeless. So we always wore his necklace and we had it blessed when we could. I don’t have his necklace no more I wished I did I had a little picture of him with a little drop of holy water from the shrine of I think it was Fatima I don’t know it was a sacred shrine and it had a little drop of water in it. I don’t have it anymore it actually wore itself clean away. I pray that some mercy is found on these health problems as these doctors have made me suffer for 3 weeks in this pain and I can’t take it anymore it’s so bad. But the doctors didn’t help me as I started just praying and praying and praying to Jesus I immediately seen something on the Internet with some exercises and these exercises I started doing started curing the problem. If I can continue to do it then I think I can get this muscle released and this sciatic nerve fixed it is not going to be pinched no more because the muscle will start firing again in my butt so this is what God showed me when I came home so hurt from going to every doctor them making me go around like this when I can’t even walk. The good Lord showed me that I just turned on the TV on YouTube and there it was I thought wow thank you Jesus praise God hallelujah. So God is good and he is taking care of me even when I don’t know if I deserve it. That is my problem I never think I deserve anything. I am a good human being and I try to share everything and I’ve been through so much myself that I have true human compassion and empathy for anything suffering. I want you to know that I had to pray the whole time but a little mice got caught in one of our bug traps it was laying there suffering I did not know what to do I started praying immediately I didn’t know what to do I didn’t want it to suffer I didn’t want it to get in that it made me feel so horrible. So after I prayed I picked up the little mouse because that’s what I was hearing in God’s eyes don’t let that little thing suffer and I took it to the water in the toilet and I drowned it I prayed The Lord’s prayer the whole time it hurt me so bad to kill that little creature I can’t kill anything hardly I’ve just lately been able to kill bugs because I’ve got these big roaches under my house and I can’t get them out until they bomb it. So it’s very hard for me to kill anything. So that has bothered me severely please tell me that I’m not horrible for doing that. Please tell me Saint Jude in the name of Jesus that you will pray for all these things that I’m asking as I don’t feel like I can last very long without love and my children don’t love me. I’m praying for Christian love I’m praying for somebody to come into my life and just be a good friend to me somehow a Little Love before I die. I also asked Saint Jude please pray for my two little Chihuahuas who are age 14 and 12 one has congestive heart failure and the other one is one step away those dogs if they die I will die right now I’ve already lost two of them in 2020 and 2022 one of cancer and one of heart disease so these prayers aren’t just for humans with cancer these are for Cancer all over the animals everybody let’s just pray for Saint Jude to eradicate cancer in the name of Jesus Christ to pray for Jesus to eradicate cancer please in the name of Jesus we pray this we ask Saint Jude to pray this. And I ask please pray for Saint Jude to help me through the pain as no doctors will and I am too old to fight it anymore it makes me think I’m just going to die sometimes. I need Christian fellowship so bad if anybody wants to email me please do I need somebody to fellowship with me in the name of Jesus. If I don’t find some kind of worship in some kind of purpose which I do love God all day I talk to God that’s the only one I have to talk to I’m completely alone me and my little animals. and I’m so afraid they’re going to die soon I know they are and I don’t know how to get ready for it. But God see me through the other two he will see me through it. Okay this is long enough I hope I’ve explained my life my situation and everything that’s going on I just am so weak from the devil constantly constantly battling at me and beating at me my whole life as you seen the story above in my old age I just want peace love and tranquility in the name of Jesus Christ in they’re making me go out of this world just like I came into this world full of pain please help me God in The name of Jesus Christ please pray for me in the name of Jesus Christ please thank Jude I do feel like a hopeless case I have never been able to beat this situation of the addiction even though I have an under control by being on a methadone program for 7 years and never have one dirty UA I don’t mess with anything but every now and then the pain gets so bad that I need help and nobody will help me so I just have to deal with it and I can’t sometimes so God helped me with that I told you the story about. I have so many testimonies of miracles that I could tell Jesus answers my prayers he always does even though I don’t know he does I figure it out later I see it later because I’m a human and I’m flawed and I can’t always see things correctly until God wants me to absolutely slap me with a Godsmack sometimes and that’s okay. He is my father and I definitely will turn the other cheek for another Godsmack. This is how we learn praise God. Thank you for taking time for this long prayer God bless you if you’ve read it all and if you have any desire to pray for me I thank you so much in the name of Jesus Christ St Jude we love you also pray for us you are our patron saint in this family this family has always thought you were the one for us. God bless all in the name of Jesus Christ.