Saint Jude’s nover states in it’s final lines of the prayer It is Never Known to Fail!
It is true, miracles happen only when you believe!
Thank you Saint Jude Thaddeus for the car.
I prayed the Novena at The Shrine Church in Canarsie in New York, I booked masses for my friend N, I prayed for my son & his wife, I reverently invoked St.Jude, bought the Tshirts, supported the collection , the candle sale, and mass.
It was easy as pie how I got the new car. The driver next to me stated ” come with me , I guarantee you will get a car”.
The owner did not worry about the fact that I did not have the full down payment.
St Jude delivers! Guarantee!
Revelation: Any Novena to a saint can be prayed beginning on the Feast day as well. Now I am published and is Echoing thanks to Cousin Jude!