please cure my ear neck tinnitus problem of tapping sound inside the right ear please please stop it and give me some sanity my dear St Jude.
Please reduce my headaches and sleep issues .
Please let my glaucoma be under control . the eye pressure be normal lord.
Please let my husband’s radiologist be nice to him – she is very nasty and cold towards him and he is getting depressed. he is an advanced cancer patient.
Please cure my problem which i have been suffering from August 2022 after my covid infection and its alarming me so much lord.
Please help/ i am the only carer for my cancer patient husband.
He will be starting his radiotherapy soon and he is down and depressed . please come to our help and remove all the evil and bad things in the house and in our lives and fill it with your positive energy lord. praying for all in this circle for them to resolve their problems
Thank you for all your blessings and favours my dear St Jude – amen