
Blessed St Jude, please protect, guide, bless my second daughter who is seperated from me physically and mentally.
She has no family with her in the native country and has moved into a big city . please resolve her problems with her current landlord on the agreement between them not being given to them by the landlord and please let her find a good apartment to stay with her friend sharing to reduce the cost.
Meanwhile in my apartment complex in the native country ,where she was staying earlier and the nieghbour and his wife were fighting with her on things which clashed with their old fashioned outlook and drove her away from there and is now putting pressure on me to sell my apartment . Please let them go away from my life lord and not disturb me on any matter after the insulting and humiliating way they are treating us . Please give my nieghbour husband and wife the punishment they deserve for making me fall sick, stressed and extreme anxiety n heart palpitation and now Tinnitus and for being such cruel people.
Please let my daughter stop fighting with me and start talking to me lord- please let her find her soul mate urgently and get a second chance to life – please let her forget her past affair and move ahead and fall in love with a good gently loving man who will love her unconditionally with all her faults accept her and give her a happy life which she never had so far coming from a broken family with no finance . Please come urgently to my poor daughter’s help to move her from the current situation she is in – please let her find god and start believing in god and prayers again .
please let her start talking to me and to her sister again – please let her find a good man to love marry and have family life. Only lord you can make this happen to this over sensitive kind loving daughter of mine this is my desperate plea to you – i have not seen her for 3 yrs now living in another country married second time -her father married second time and in another country – please help her to stop smoking and any other bad habits and all her evil friends go away and let her see reality of her situation and how vulnerable she is without any family or good people with her. please protect her from coronavirus and all other health problems -please let her be able to take up a advanced masters course in her field in this country where i am living or let her marry and come to this country only if that is your wish for her lord – thank you for all your help and favours to her -I pray for all in this circle – amen