
Blessed St Jude, please urgently send a good man, to save my younger daughter from all her troubles starting from a broken poor family. Please put a stop to all her bad behaviour smoking /drinking , her extreme anger and unforgiving attitude towards me .Please send your powerful miracles for her to meet her soul mate a good man with sufficient money and means to love her for what she is with all her drawbacks and be able to correct it to get back into a normal god loving /fearing life.
Please heal her with your mighty power dear lord she desperately needs help and no one is there to help her -please send help in some way lord -she is so touchy and angry with me -for the smallest things and talking about complaining to the police about me when i am not even there in the country or never even in any way harmed her – she compares with other mothers and see the difference lord and see she has no one – please lord let what is best for her and me happen – let what you wish for her happen – let her find peace of mind and do what is required to live and survive and be happy have a family fall in love please let her fall in love with someone good and genuinely love her lord that will resolve her problems lord – i believe your mighty powers will bring her to the love she so deserves being deprived of it in all ways since childhood . please keep all the evil forces in family and among friends all the evil ones go away from her and let her be surrounded by good people who will guide her your way the right path and give her peace and make her realise love of god is the highest and give her mind and body courage and strength. Please bring me a solution dear lord — to this problem which is going on for at least 11 yrs now – I am leaving her in your hands now – I cannot handle her in anyway – we just end up exploding – at each other – Please let her be able to arrange for her 2 surgeries by taking help from my niece lord- no one else is there in the country who could help her . please guide her in her future path lord -in selecting her masters course which will give her a future job and life, the correct agency , and the country and the tuition fee should suit my budget also please help lord – please let her mind calm down lord – please let her see reality and be humble and accepting and give her the courage to hang on to life and start believing in god – I pray for all in the circle and beyond – thanks