Dear Blessed St Jude Please Protect my younger daughter from Coronavirus and all other health problems
please let her be able to take both the covid vaccines.
Lord please guide her on the 2nd Masters course she is planning and we are helping in the hope it will give her a second life..from self destruction and get her a job and a future.
Please lord guide us all the right path so that no wrong decisions taken and no money is lost. Please lord what you want her to do or have happen as per your wish.
Please let her find her soul mate with your blessings who will give her the love ,money security, stability, and lasting happiness.
Please lord I am tired and cannot take her burden anyore. Please let ger be able to do her 2 upcoming surgeries with the help of my niece.
Let me be happy with my husband and live in peace . Please let her be able to find love peace elsewhere and forget her miserable memories of the past coming from a broken single parent no money family.
Dear St Jude please send your powerful miracles to stop her addictive habits and let all her evil friends diappear from her life never to come back to her.
Please Surround her with genuine good people who will correct her mistakes make her believe in prayers and God .
Make her see reality and put an end to her lefty views and atheist behaviour.
which is barring her belief in marriage, God, and having a family. Please help.urgently.
Thank you my dear St Jude for all the favours to her .amen