Dear blessed St Jude please intercede to Jesus Christ our saviour and Lord to guide my younger daughter to take the right decision in choosing her life partner . She has already told ‘NO’ to the alliance from a divorced man who has good job and is family oriented. and can solve our financial problems.Because of her bad habits she is finding it hard to convince the fiancee to join in her friend’s group which the fiancee does not want to mingle because he does not drink or smoke .
Please change her mind and stupid idiotic thoughts, her destructive feminism and show her the reality of her situation i.e. she is jobless, money less and a wreck in all her relationship, a complete failure..
Instead of that she thinks she is doing a favour by marrying a divorcee..
please let her learn to obey and adjust to people and know and understand her limitations please lord .
I am tired and my sanity is getting effected because of her.
Please erase her past college love affair from her mind.
The boy just used and dumped her on her birthday and broke her heart to pieces.and got married to another girl after 3 months.just few months back.
please let her come out of it and forget that monster and move ahead.
Dear St Jude please let her move ahead in life with the right decisions as per your wish only.
So please let the current fiancee accept her with all her faults and be able to correct her if that is your wish lord…
We have little money and now she is asking to study Arts and leave. her engineering stream. Dear lord somehow put an end to her bad habits and wayward lifestyle .
Please let her get back her faith in God and belief in prayers Please let the fiancee be able to love her and convince her of his love and let them live happy if that is your wish for her.and only if he is genuine..
Please send your powerful miracles to save her from self destruction .
please let her be able to register for vaccine as soon as possible lord.
please protect her from all dangers evil people and mainly from Coronavirus and all other health problems.
please let her be able find peace of mind and the right path to success in her life..
Please help my daughter and all of us ..
Thank you lord for all the favours to her and my family .prayers to all in the circle.