
Thank you god and St Jude for favours given to me and my family.
I pray to you today to help my younger daughter in deciding her life partner and guide her in this matter.
She is all alone with no family with her to help in this very important time – please give help and send your powerful miracles to bless her and make her decision which is your wish for her .
She is meeting a boy through relatives with the intention of getting married if they like each other .
please protect her from all evil and bad people lord . let her not make any wrong choices or any mistakes at any time .We have no more energy or money to correct any mistakes .
Please let her get rid of her ego and be humble and down to earth with reality instead of being boastful and shallow.
I cannot carry her anymore by giving money or supporting her emotionally – please let her meet her soul mate and marry and be happy and leave me in peace of mind lord .please help me resolve this big problem i.e. my younger daughter. I pray for all in this circle – and out of the circle to find solutions for their problem -may lord bless them all .
Thank you – amen