Dear blessed St Jude, please intercede to Jesus Christ our lord and saviour to save my younger daughter from self destruction and somehow save her and give her a second life .
please protect her from coronavirus lord
Please help and guide her in making a decision on what to do with her life, her future plans — ie . if to study for an Msc masters course in the country currently her sister and me are living. The fees will wipe me out and more is required which will be borrowed but if it saves her life and mine too from poverty and also ONLY if its lord’s wish let it happen or else let god’s wish happen please. I am exhausted and tired thinking of her and its killing me and making me go mad and cannot sleep.
please help her to decide please and let her be firm and let her stick with it and be successful in it .
Please lord let her get back her faith in God and the power of prayers .
please protect her from all her bad friends and evil addictive habits
please let her quit smoking and all other bad habits she has /
please send your powerful miracles to help me and my younger daughter in making these life changing decisions on her future please .
Please let her meet her soul mate someone with money to provide for her so that she need not depend on me /
please help and protect us -thank you St Jude for all your favours to me and my family – i thank to you on their behalf – please i pray for all in this prayer circle to get solutions –
thank you lord -Amen