
Dear St Jude, I pray today for you intercede to Jesus Christ our lord and saviour to make my nurse daughter pass her registration exam for nursing OSCE which she had taken on the 25th September ,
The results will be out today or tomorrow or this week any time .
All our future depends on her passing this exam. please shower your miracles on her .
Please let the marking examiners be liberal on her please – please let them understand not a single question from her department (Operation Theatre)was asked and all are from General ward which she has zero experience and they could not give her the proper training promised because of covid . Her entire 10yrs of experience is only in the OP theatre . Please help dear lord and let them see the unjust way of testing and appreciate her knowledge and skill and experience in her department .
Thank you dear lord for everything – I pray for all in this circle and others too who need help – let them all find solutions and get help dear lord – thank you – always grateful for everything. Amen