Please continue to intercede for us. Please continue to heal my father from this cancer. He is so weak right now and I don’t know what to do. Please help him bounce back from this phase. You’ve helped him so many times and I cannot thank you enough for blessing him strength to live with us much longer. I’m sorry if I am requesting for more time to be with him. Please have pity on my father. He’s so weak right now and has lost weight. Please help us. We leave all these worries and fears we have on God’s feet. Please do not let us lose hope that everything will be ok. I also pray for my checkup this week and mammogram next week. Please do not let me have cancer and other incurable disease. I just want to be here for my parents, my family, and my children. Please continue to heal my father. I also pray for my children that they will always be surrounded by good friends. That they will grow up to be how God created them to be. Please do not let them be tomboy. I pray for their future and good health and safety always. Amen